纽约州总检察长正在调查温斯坦影业(The Weinstein Company)可能存在的性骚扰和性歧视,此前其联合创始人哈维•温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein,见上图)受到多人发出的行为不端指控。
“No New Yorker should be forced to walk into a workplace ruled by sexual intimidation, harassment, or fear. If sexual harassment or discrimination is pervasive at a company, we want to know,” said Eric Schneiderman, the state’s top legal officer.
“任何纽约人都不该被迫进入一个被性恐吓、骚扰或恐惧支配的工作场所。如果性骚扰和歧视在一家公司大行其道,我们想知道,”纽约州总检察长埃里克•施奈德曼(Eric Schneiderman)说。
The attorney-general’s civil rights bureau is investigating whether officials at the company violated the state’s civil rights law or New York City’s human rights law, according to a person familiar with the investigation.
The company was served with a subpoena on Monday seeking a range of documents, including records and correspondence related to complaints of sexual harassment and gender or age discrimination, how those complaints were handled, whether formal investigations were initiated and any records relating to settlements that may have been paid. The subpoena also seeks documents concerning criteria for hiring, promoting, casting and firing employees and applicants.
The civil rights inquiry comes as the film and television studio scrambles for survival, two weeks after Mr Weinstein was fired and half its board resigned. More than 40 women have alleged sexual harassment, assault or rape by the once-powerful film producer dating back three decades. Mr Weinstein has denied that any of his relationships were non-consensual.