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    LONDON — The publicist for Kevin Spacey has announced that the Oscar-winning actor is seeking treatment, as reports emerged that the London theater where he was the longtime artistic director turned a blind eye to allegations of sexual misconduct.

    伦敦——凯文·史派西(Kevin Spacey)的公关宣布,这位曾获得奥斯卡的演员正在寻求治疗。与此同时,有报道称他长期担任艺术总监的伦敦剧院对其性行为不检视而不见。

    More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them. This week, the actor Anthony Rapp accused him of sexual misconduct years ago, when Mr. Rapp was 14.

    有更多男性站出来指控史派西曾对他们有过不当行为。本周,演员安东尼·拉普(Anthony Rapp)指控其数十年前对自己做出了不适当的性行为,当时拉普年仅14岁。

    Many of the accusations regarding Mr. Spacey involve behavior that would have taken place when he was artistic director of the Old Vic theater in London, a position he held for 11 years, until 2015.

    许多关于史派西行为的指控都涉及伦敦的老维克剧院(Old Vic theater),史派西曾在这里担任艺术总监11年之久,直至2015年。

    In a statement provided to The New York Times on Wednesday, Mr. Spacey’s publicist said: “Kevin Spacey is taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment. No other information is available at this time.”


    The institution released a statement saying it was “deeply dismayed” by the allegations, adding that it had set up an email address for anyone who has worked there to make a confidential complaint about inappropriate behavior by Mr. Spacey or anyone else.


    Former employees of the Old Vic have come forward to say that the theater had known about Mr. Spacey’s behavior at the time. “We were all involved in keeping it quiet,” a former employee told The Guardian newspaper. “I witnessed him groping men many times in all sorts of different situations.”

    老维克剧院的前雇员们已站出来,表示剧院知晓史派西当时的行为。“我们都参与了保密,”一位前雇员告诉《卫报》(The Guardian)。“我曾目睹他在各种情况下,多次对男性上下其手。”

    A spokeswoman for the Old Vic declined interview requests.


    On Sunday, the “Star Trek: Discovery” actor Mr. Rapp told Buzzfeed News that Mr. Spacey had invited him to a party at his apartment in 1986, where he had made unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Rapp said that after the other guests had left, Mr. Spacey, who appeared intoxicated, took him into his bedroom, and lay on top of him.

    周日,《星际穿越:发现号》(Star Trek: Discovery)演员拉普高告诉Buzzfeed新闻,说1986年,史派西曾邀请他到自己的公寓,在那里对他做出了性冒犯行为。拉普说,在其他宾客离开后,明显喝醉的史派西将他带到了卧室,将他压在身下。

    In a statement that has been widely criticized in part for using this moment to come out, Mr. Spacey said he was “horrified” by the accusations and did not remember the incident. “But if I did behave then as he describes,” he said, “I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.”


    The day after that apology, Netflix announced that the next season of “House of Cards,” in which Mr. Spacey starred, would be its last.

    史派西道歉后一天,Netflix宣布下一季的《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)将是其最后一季。史派西是该剧的主演。

    On Wednesday, another man came forward, saying that when he was a teenager, Mr. Spacey had lain on him while he was sleeping. Speaking via a video link in which his face was not visible, the man told Victoria Derbyshire of the BBC that the episode had occurred in the 1980s in New York.

    周三,另一名男子站了出来,说在他还年少时,史派西有一次在他睡着时压在了他的身上。该男子通过视频讲述了这一事件,视频中他没有露脸。他告诉BBC的维多利亚·德比(Victoria Derbyshire)说该事件1980年代发生在纽约。

    The man said that when he was 17, Mr. Spacey had invited him to spend the weekend in New York. He said that Mr. Spacey had asked him to share his bed, but that he had declined and slept on the sofa. He then described waking up in the morning to find Mr. Spacey’s arms around him.


    “I was uncomfortable, at best, traumatized at worst,” he said.


    In a statement posted on Facebook, Roberto Cavazos, a Mexican actor, said that Mr. Spacey routinely made unwanted advances toward young men. “It seems that it only took a male under 30 to make Mr. Spacey feel free to touch us,” he said.

    在一则发布于Facebook上的声明中,墨西哥演员罗伯特·卡瓦佐斯(Roberto Cavazos)说史派西时不时地会对年轻男性做出性冒犯之举。“这意味着只要一个男性在30岁以下,就会让史派西觉得可以随便对我们上下其手,”他说。

    He also said that Mr. Spacey was often seen in the Old Vic’s bar, “squeezing whoever caught his attention.”


    Mr. Cavazos went on to describe his own experience with Mr. Spacey: “I myself had a couple of unpleasant encounters with Spacey that were on the edge of being called harassment.”


      上一篇:好莱坞那么多男星出柜,为什么只有史派西被骂? 下一篇:马云大银幕首秀《功守道》为中国传统文化打Call


