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    A lot of films have tried to describe the afterlife and our memories of family members who have passed away. But few have done as well as Coco, Disney-Pixar’s latest masterpiece animation, which hit the big screen on Nov 24.


    “One thing’s for certain – you’re going to want to call your grandparents after seeing Coco,” wrote film critic Katie Walsh on The Record.

    “可以确定的是 —— 看完《寻梦环游记》,你会想给祖父母打电话,”影评人凯蒂·沃尔什在The Record网站上写道。

    Inspired by the Mexican holiday of Dia de los Muertos – Day of the Dead – the film’s production team created a young boy, Miguel, who wants his family to understand his love of music. On that year’s Dia de los Muertos, an accident takes him to the Land of the Dead. While there, Miguel has an unforgettable and adventurous night.


    According to the Guardian, the Land of the Dead is one of Disney-Pixar’s “most visually ambitious worlds yet”. In this land, there are friendly skeletons who can cross a bridge made of flower petals on Dia de los Muertos to “visit” their living family in the world of the living – that is, as long as their family still puts their photos on the family shrine. Those spirits who are forgotten by their family will perish and disappear completely.

    《卫报》认为,亡灵之地是迪士尼和皮克斯“目前为止所打造的视觉上最震撼的世界之一”。在这个世界里,友善的骷髅们在亡灵节这一天可以走过一座花瓣桥,来到现世“看望”自己活着的亲人们 —— 只要家人们还把他们的照片放在家族灵坛里。而被家人们遗忘的灵魂将会真正死亡,完全消失。

    It’s in this magical world that Miguel gets to meet and discover the truth about his great-great-grandpa. To save him from perishing, Miguel has to bring his photo back to the living world as soon as possible.


    While told with a wild imagination, the story sends out a clear and warm message about family – “whimsical and bone-deep, all at once”, as Vanity Fair put it.

    这个故事充满了天马行空般的想象力,传递着一份纯粹而又暖心的家庭亲情 ——“异想天开,同时也相当深刻,”正如《名利场》杂志所写的那样。

    Family is a concept at the center of Mexican culture. On Dia de los Muertos every year, people in Mexico honor their ancestors by putting their photos up on the family shrine, as shown in the film, and share food and drinks to keep the spirits of their family members alive.


    “In an era when young people are so easily attracted by celebrities, Coco reveals the emptiness of such adulation, teaching kids to preserve and respect the memory of their elders while reminding them that the source of true creativity is so often personal,” wrote reporter Peter Debruge on Variety.


      上一篇:豆瓣评分9.3:《国家宝藏》一夜刷屏,乾隆都被“玩坏了” 下一篇:哈里王子订婚 “准王妃”圈粉


