Lady Gaga新电影大获好评
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    Lady Gaga is being praised for her performance in Bradley Cooper's remake of Hollywood musical AStar Is Born.

    Lady Gaga因出演布莱德利·库珀翻拍的好莱坞音乐剧《一个明星的诞生》而广受好评。

    Cooper made his directorial debut with the film and also acts opposite Gaga as alcoholic country rock star Jackson Maine, who discovers singer Ally singing in a bar.


    Since the film made its debut at Venice Film Festival, critics have been raving about the chemistry between Cooper and Gaga, Cooper's directing, and the way in which the story has been retold.


    Variety called the film "stunning" and said "to say he does a good job of directing would be to understate his accomplishment.


    Lady Gaga新电影大获好评!剧照太美了.jpg

    The Guardian awarded the film five stars and said: "Cooper directs and co-stars in this outrageously watchable and colossally enjoyable new version.


    The Hollywood Reporter said: "There's freshness in the pared-back narrative shorthand of these scenes, as there is in Ally's navigation of Jack's excesses, on one hand giving him his space while on the other letting him know she won't keep following him down his dark spiral.


    The Evening Standard gave the film four stars and commented: "Cooper has succeeded in giving this dinosaur of a film stomping new life. "


    A Star Is Born is scheduled for release on 5 October.


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