1946年出生在意大利的都灵市郊一个罗马天主教家庭,父亲是建筑承包商。1964年,年仅18岁的索尼娅离开家乡前往英国剑桥大学学习英语。1965年,她与当时在同校学习机械工程的印度著名政治家尼赫鲁的外孙拉吉夫·甘地相遇并相爱,俩人1968年在新德里举行婚礼。婚后,索尼娅一直在家里相夫教子,被人们认为是一位贤妻良母。她和拉·甘地育有一子一女。[1] 中国国务院总理李克强2013年5月20日在新德里会见印度国大党主席索尼娅·甘地。
Sonia Gandhi was born in 1946 to Italian parents in a small village in northern Italy. She was raised as a Roman Catholic and attended a Catholic school. Her life changed in 1964 when she went to study English in England. It was there that she met and fell in love with Rajiv Gandhi, the future Prime Minister of India.
The couple were married in 1969. Sonia quickly got a taste of Indian politics when she moved in with her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi, India’s Prime Minister. They decided to stay out of politics. Rajiv was an airline pilot and Sonia stayed at home to look after her family. This changed dramatically in 1984 when Indira was assassinated and Rajiv became Prime Minister.
Following her husband's assassination in 1991, she was under a lot of pressure to become leader of the ruling Congress Party. She refused many times over the next seven years. She hated politics and said she would rather her children be beggars than politicians. She finally joined the Congress Party and became its president within a record 62 days of joining.
She has been Congress President for ten consecutive years – another record. In 2004 she was asked to lead a 15-party coalition and be India’s Prime Minister. She refused and caused a political storm. She is still a member of parliament for Uttar Pradesh. She now speaks at international conferences and makes the yearly lists of the world’s most powerful or influential women.