中文名 路易莎·迪奥戈 外文名 Luisa Diogo 国 籍 莫桑比克 出生地 莫桑比克 出生日期 1958年4月11日 职 业 莫桑比克前总理 代表作品 《时代周刊》评为“2004年全球最有影响力的100位名人”之一
路易莎·迪奥戈(Luisa Diogo),莫桑比克前总理。出生于1958年4月11日。1980年起进入莫桑比克政府计划与财政部工作。1989年,迪奥戈任该部预算司司长。1992年获英国伦敦大学金融经济硕士学位。1993年至1994年在世界银行驻莫机构任职。1994年任计划与财政部副部长,2000年起任部长。2004年2月17日,被任命为总理兼计划与财政部长,成为莫桑比克历史上第一位女总理。2005年2月连任总理。
Luisa Diogo was born in 1958 in western Mozambique. She was 17 and in high school when civil war broke out. She studied economics at university and began working in the finance ministry. She quickly worked her way up to be her nation’s first ever female leader. She has brought about considerable change in her once war-torn country.
When Diogo joined the government in 1980, Mozambique was in its fifth year of civil war and the economy was in ruins. Diogo’s skill in financial affairs and willingness to take risks saw her become department head in 1986 and national budget director three years later. In 1994 she won anotherpromotion to deputy finance minister.
Mozambique’s economy slowly recovered under Diogo’s visionary reforms. In 2004, she was named Africa’s finance minister of the year and became prime minister. ‘Time’ magazine ranked her as one of the top leaders and revolutionaries in the world, saying: “she leads a government that was once written off as a failed state but that now posts economic growth rates of an Asian tiger.”
Diogo spends a lot of time urging African leaders to fight the spread of AIDS. She campaigns for free sexual health services across Africa. She also promotes gender equality and the empowerment of women. In 2007, she launched the "Network of Women Ministers and Parliamentarians". Diogo said her central objective is the fight against “absolute poverty”. She also proudly declares "democracy in Mozambique is irreversible”.