1971年以武师身份进入电影圈 。1976年在动作片《新精武门》中担任男主角。1978年主演的动作片《蛇形刁手》、《醉拳》标志着功夫喜剧片的开端。1980年自编自导的动作片《师弟出马》获得香港年度票房冠军。1985年主演的喜剧动作片《夏日福星》打破香港地区的票房纪录。1986年自导自演的动作片《警察故事》获得第5届香港电影金像奖最佳影片奖。1991年担任剧情片《阮玲玉》的制作人。1992年发行个人首张国语专辑《第一次》。1993年凭借警匪片《重案组》获得第30届台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角奖。
Jackie Chan is a true action movie great. He has appeared in dozens of movies and is a screen legend. He had a simple beginning as a Chinese refugee in Hong Kong. His early years were, perhaps, a sign of things to come. His parents nicknamed him ‘Pao-Pao’, which means cannonball, because he had so much energy.
Chan enrolled in the China Drama Academy to study opera while still in his teens. He spent ten years there and worked part-time as a stuntman in the kung fu movie industry. He soon earned the reputation as Hong Kong’s most fearless stuntman. He moved into acting, but his first two films were both flops. He quit the movie business and moved to Australia.
Several years later, director Ng Than Chan asked Jackie to appear in the movies ‘Snake in Eagle's Shadow’ and ‘Drunken Master’. Both were smash hits at the box office and Jackie Chan was now a star in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, a former director tried to tie Chan to an old contract. He sent the Hong Kong mafia to Chan’s movie sets to frighten him. Chan moved to Hollywood.
He was not successful in Hollywood, so he returned to Hong Kong. He learnt a lot about movie-making while in America and used this knowledge to make many successful movies for the Chinese market. He also became a pop star. He returned to Hollywood and made the movie ‘Rush Hour’ in 1998. It made him a worldwide star.