Pringles is a brand of potato and wheat snack produced by Procter & Gamble. It is one of the world’s most-recognized and best-selling snacks. Pringles came onto the market in 1968. The name Pringle came from an employee opening a telephone directory and seeing the name Pringle Drive in it. They are sold in over 100 countries and generate revenue in excess of $1 billion. Pringles cannot be called potato chips or potato crisps for legal reasons, because each Pringle contains only 42% of potato. They are in fact a mixture of potato and wheat. They are popular because of their diversity of flavours, uniform saddle shape (called a hyperbolic paraboloid) and a container that keeps them in one piece. The cremated remains of the inventor of the tubular can was buried in a Pringles can at his request. The Pringles slogan is: “Once you pop, the fun don't stop.”