最为著名和畅销的产品为Microsoft Windows操作系统和Microsoft Office系列软件,目前是全球最大的电脑软件提供商。
微软在2013年在世界500强企业排行榜中排名110位,2014年排名第104位[1] 。
2015年1月,在第66届艾美奖[2] 上,国家电视艺术和科学学院为微软颁发了“电视功能强化设备奖”。2015年7月9日,微软宣布对手机业务进行根本性重组,同时表示将削减至7800多个职位。[3] 2015年10月据美国CNBC报道,微软将在新一轮裁员仲裁撤1000个岗位。新裁员是在之前宣布的裁员基础上额外追加的。[4]
2016年6月13日,微软将以每股 196 美元,合计 262 亿美元的全现金收购包括 LinkedIn 公司的全部股权和净现金。
Microsoft is one of the best-known companies in the world. Almost everyone uses a Microsoft product. These include the Windows operating systems, Hotmail and MSN, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and the Bing search engine. The Financial Times ranks it as the third largest company on the planet. It has created four billionaires and around 12,000 millionaires among its 93,000 employees. The company was founded by Bill Gates in 1975 and slowly became the number one name in computing. It generates over $50 billion a year in revenues. The company website outlines its values as follows: “As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect.”