情景英语听力:二手车经销商—Used Car Dealership
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    If you are looking for a car to drive, you can either buy a used vehicle (previously-owned car) or a new one. I suggest you buy a used car, but there are a few things you should keep in mind to get the best deal. First of all, be sure to shop around for the best used car, and you should visit a used car dealership that you can trust. Your friends might be able to tell you which places have good reputations. Next, be sure you know beforehand the prices of the types of cars you want to buy, so you don't end up spending more than a car is worth. Next, don't immediately accept the sticker price on the car. Of course, keep in mind that the car salesman is out to make a profit, so you canhaggle over the price to make sure you are satisfied. Next, you might be able to trade in your old vehicle for some money to reduce the price on the car you want to buy. Finally, you might want to take the car to an independent mechanic to have a complete inspection to see if there are any problems with the vehicle. Better safe than sorry.
      上一篇:情景英语听力:牙齿护理—Dental Care 下一篇:情景英语听力:火车站—Train Station

