The trains, without a driver and attendants, will run from Fangshan westward to Yanshan in southwest Beijing.
Beijing claims that it will be China's first driverless subway trains.
What are they?
Topic2 the box meal on the trainRecently, a survey done by China Youth Daily finds that 93.6% of the respondents think the box meal on the China Rail High-Speed Trains is too expensive with the price of 45 yuan. 80.3% say that when they travel by CRH trains, they wouldn't eat the box meal.
What does the survey tell us?
Topic3 Lottery winner wears maskAfter winning 497 million yuan in a lottery in Shandong, a man in a Mickey Mouse mask gave everyone a Disney ending by donating 20 million yuan of his winnings to charity.
It seems that in China, all the big jackpot winner claim their checks with masks.
This isn't the only. Is wearing a mask to collect winning common?
Topic4 It costs to be artsy?
The term Wén yì qíng nían文艺青年, or literally translated as artsy youths in China, has become a popular symbol of identity for the past several years.
While some say it doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, it's the mindset and love for artsy things that counts, others argue it costs to be a genuine one.
What is Wén yì qíng nían and Wén yì?
Topic5 What does it mean to be a foodie?
It used to be that the term foodie was seen to be a bit derogatory, tantamount to calling someone asnob. But it seems that these days more and more people are calling themselves a foodie.
Is "foodie" no longer derogatory?
Topic6 Photoshopped CV Photos Don't Count?
A woman in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, failed a job interview because she was considered dishonest for touching up the photo on her resume with Photoshop software. This has left many netizens wondering where we should draw the line with Photoshop and interviews.
What happened?