Topic1 China Sees Marked Improvement in Gender Equality in MarriagesA white paper issued on Tuesday has revealed that there's marked improvement in gender equality in marriages and families in China over the past 20 years. In which part can we see the improvements and what are the challenges ahead of us?
Topic2 Electric Bicycle, New Road KillerElectric bicycles have become new road killers in recent years. Why is the problem so serious? How can we improve the situation?
Topic3 Umbrella DadImagine this picture: in torrential rain, a father holds an umbrella over the head of his 4-year-old son, while he himself was completely soaked. This is a photo that's gone viral on sina weibo. While I'm touched by father's unconditional love, is there something not quite right about this scene?
Topic4 Sprout HairpinHaving sprout-shaped hairpins in your hair has been the manifestation of cuteness this month. Within only two weeks, Chinese folks have taken the trend up to a new level -- having food growing out of your head is new fashion.