The closure of the Huaneng Beijing Thermal Power Plant, which overlooks a swath of rusting warehouses, vehicle repair shops and a tangle of brick houses rented by migrant workers, was the final step in a multiyear plan for Beijing to shut its four remaining coal-fired plants and replace them with ones using natural gas, which produce about half the emissions.
华能北京热电厂(Huaneng Beijing Thermal Power Plant)周围是一片外观锈迹斑斑的仓库、各种修车店以及农民工租住的杂乱的砖房。按照前几年公布的一项计划,北京要陆续关停本市最后4座燃煤电厂,代之以排放约少一半的燃气热电厂,而关停华能燃煤热电厂就是这项计划的最后一步。
“As an ordinary labourer, I do not pay much attention to things like air and the environment,” says Feng Huawei, a construction worker who has lived near the base of the plant for four years. “But I think overall closing the plant is quite a good thing. It means less obvious pollution.”
Huaneng burnt 1.76m tonnes of coal a year, according to state media agency Xinhua, and taking it off the grid would help lower the city’s noxious sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.
But 70 per cent of Beijing’s electricity is generated outside of the city, with the bulk coming from Shanxi province and Inner Mongolia via transmission lines running through neighbouring Hebei province. All three provinces have enormous coal-fired power generation capacity, and more than 60 per cent of Beijing’s electricity consumption still comes from coal, according to China’s National Energy Administration.
That means closing Huaneng is only a partial solution, says Yang Fuqiang, a senior adviser on climate and energy at campaign group the Natural Resources Defense Council in Beijing. “Beijing still consumes about 10m tonnes of coal [a year]. We would like to see coal consumption cut more quickly and deeply.”
Liansai Dong, a climate and energy campaigner at Greenpeace acknowledges that the fall in local emissions of harmful pollutants, including dust, sulphur dioxide and heavy metals could benefit Beijing’s residents. “However, it is quite a simplification of the problem to say Beijing is entirely relying on natural gas-fired power plants.”
Beijing faces a critical gap between energy supply and demand; the city’s 27 power plants have a total installed capacity of just over 11,000 megawatts, roughly half of what is required to meet its energy demands.
As a result, Beijing imported 57bn kWh of energy from China’s coal-heavy north-east provinces in 2014, the last year for which numbers are available.
That has experts worried that Beijing’s coal shutdowns are not reducing overall emissions.
“What we are most concerned with is this does not cut carbon dioxide emissions, because increased coal electricity production in other provinces also increases carbon dioxide emissions as a result,” says Mr Yang.
Still, most environmentalists and energy policy experts praise the plant closure as a move in the right direction.
“The closure of the city’s last coal-fired plant is significant because it is likely a harbinger of things to come for a far larger region that currently faces air quality issues, of which Beijing is only a part,” says Anders Hove, an associate research director at the at the University of Chicago’s Paulson Institute.
芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)保尔森研究所(Paulson Institute)副研究主管安德斯•霍夫(Anders Hove)表示:“北京市关停最后一座燃煤电厂意义重大,因为对目前面临空气质量问题的更广大地区——北京只是其中一部分——而言,这很可能是一个预示未来形势变化的先兆。”
Beijing has made significant efforts to increase the presence of renewable energy sources — wind, solar and hydropower — in its electricity generation mix. It has set a national target for the share of non-fossil fuel electricity to reach 30 per cent by 2020. Last April, energy regulators announced that China had suspended plans for about 200 coal-fired power generators, contributing to a global slump in coal demand.
Yet the country has struggled to adapt its energy grid to new, renewable energy sources. China wasted 49.7bn kWh of solar and wind power-generated electricity in 2016, according to the China’s State Grid Corp, due to a phenomenon called curtailment, in which energy is not hooked up to the power grid for lack of transmission lines and grid capacity.
然而,中国的电网一直难以消纳新型可再生能源发电。根据中国国家电网(State Grid Corp)的数据,由于输电线路缺乏、电网容量不足导致无法并入电网而造成弃风和弃光,2016年,中国浪费了497亿千瓦时的太阳能和风能发电量。
Shanxi and Inner Mongolia, the two provinces on which Beijing relies heavily for electricity imports, waste the equivalent of as much as 30 per cent of the electricity they export to Beijing annually due to curtailment, according to Greenpeace.
In February, China energy regulators halted all approvals of future wind energy projects in six provinces after discovering that a high number of wind farms were completely unconnected to the national grid and the energy they generated was sent nowhere.
Near the Huaneng plant in Beijing, locals are philosophical about such policy dilemmas. “The plant does seem to have stopped emitting smoke,” says Jin Le, who works in storage facility nearby the power station. “I did not even notice until now, because the Beijing government stops the plant from operating during big [government] meetings. But they have not torn down the plant. They could resume operating it any time.”