苹果(Apple)周二在加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺的一场活动上发布了首款高价手机iPhone X及其他新品。
iPhone X is priced at $999, the most expensive ever for a new iPhone model. It will ship Nov. 3. (Pro tip: The X is pronounced 10, and not “ex.”)
iPhone X定价999美元(约合6500元人民币),是有史以来最贵的新款iPhone。它将于11月3日出货(专业小提示:这里的X是罗马数字中的10,不是英文字母X)。
The phone has a newer screen technology known as OLED, a type of display that can be made thinner, lighter and brighter with better color accuracy and contrast than its predecessor, LCD.
iPhone X采用了一种新的屏幕技术OLED。这种显示屏能够做到比之前的LCD更薄、更轻、更亮,色彩精确度和对比度也更好。
The screen on the X has a so-called edge-to-edge display that takes up the entire face by eliminating the borders around the screen. Apple also eliminated the physical home button that has been a signature feature of the iPhone for a decade.
iPhone X的屏幕使用了一种所谓的无边框显示屏。屏幕四周的边框去除,表面全部是显示屏。苹果还取消了实体键home键。过去十年里,后者一直是iPhone的标志性特征。
iPhone 8 is also here, as well as its bigger sibling, the iPhone 8 Plus. The models include a glass body and a faster chip.
在这场活动上推出的还有iPhone 8和它的加大版iPhone 8 Plus。这两款手机采用了玻璃机身和速度更快的芯片。
Apple TV, the company’s set-top box that has never been a blockbuster hit, got an upgrade. The device will now be able to stream so-called 4K resolution, which refers to screens with two times the vertical resolution and twice the horizontal resolution of older high-definition TVs.
该公司一直未能大火的机顶盒Apple TV也实现了升级。这款设备现在能够流播放所谓的4K分辨率。4K分辨率指的是垂直分辨率和水平分辨率分别是老款高清电视两倍的屏幕。
Apple took the wraps off a new Apple Watch. Called Apple Watch Series 3, it has cellular capabilities. There’s also a new Watch OS.
苹果还揭晓了新款Apple Watch。被称作Apple Watch Series 3的它具备手机功能,还搭载了新版Watch OS。
iPhone X Pushes Apple Into New Territory on Price
iPhone X将苹果推入新定价领域
With the $999 iPhone X, Apple moved to a new premium level of pricing. The smartphone will cost $300 more than the iPhone 8 and $200 more than the iPhone 8 Plus.
借助售价999美元的iPhone X,苹果进入了一个新的高定价阶段。这款智能手机的售价比iPhone 8和iPhone 8 Plus分别高出了300和200美元。
While that will be too expensive for many people, the company said it saw the iPhone X defining a new era for the smartphone, much like the original iPhone did 10 years ago. Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said the device would “set the path for the next decade.” That is because Apple will likely build on some of the iPhone X’s most notable features, including infrared facial recognition, wireless battery charging and sophisticated camera effects.
尽管这个价格对很多人来说都太过昂贵,但苹果认为iPhone X定义了一个新的智能手机时代,很像10年前最早的iPhone所做的。苹果的首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)说,这款设备将“为下一个十年铺路开道”。这是因为苹果可能会在iPhone X部分最重要的功能,包括红外人脸识别、无线充电和精密的相机效果的基础上继续发力。
Consumer reaction to the new phone will have a big impact on the company’s revenue and stock price. Right now, analysts are betting on a slow uptake of the top-end phone, both because of production delays and the high price. But if it turns out to be an unexpected hit, like the iPhone 6 Plus and 7 Plus, the company’s sales — and stock price — could surge.
消费者对这款手机的反应将对苹果公司的收入和股价有重大影响。目前,分析人士认为,因为生产延期和高昂的价格,市场对这款高端手机的接受会较慢。但如果事实证明它像iPhone 6 Plus和7 Plus一样,取得出人意料的成功,苹果的销售额和股价可能会飙升。
Wall Street was not immediately dazzled by Apple’s presentation, however, with the stock price down more than 1 percent by the end of the event.
— Vindu Goel
——文杜·戈尔(Vindu Goel)
The iPhone X’s design takes glass to the outer edges.
iPhone X的设计让玻璃屏一直延伸至外缘。
The iPhone X is the first redesigned iPhone in three years, and Apple says it is the blueprint for “the future of the smartphone.” Many of the design details had leaked to the press before Tuesday’s unveiling — including that it would have a new display that stretched across much more of the phone’s front, and that it would do away with the trademark home button.
iPhone X是三年来首款重新设计的iPhone。苹果称其为“智能手机的未来”蓝图。在周二揭晓之前,已有很多设计细节流出,包括它将采用占据手机正面更多空间的新款显示屏,以及它将放弃标志性的home键。
Much of that turned out to be true. The iPhone X is essentially the same size and overall shape as the iPhone 7, but because the screen occupies all of the front of the phone, it is far larger than that of older models. The screen uses a technology new for Apple (which many competitors already use), called OLED. It produces better image quality than Apple’s older LCD screens.
其中很多被证明是真实的。iPhone X和iPhone 7的尺寸和总体形状基本相同,但是由于手机正面全部被屏幕占据,所以它的屏幕比旧款要大得多。屏幕使用了一项对苹果来说的新技术OLED(很多竞争者已经在使用该技术)。它的画面品质比苹果旧的LCD屏幕更好。
What wasn’t leaked was how Apple would integrate the new button-free design with the operating system — how would you navigate the phone without a physical button?
It’s quite simple: You swipe. To go home, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. To see other apps, swipe up from the bottom and pause — now you see the multitasking pane.
Whether people will adjust to the button-free system remains to be seen. For better or worse, Apple has used essentially the same interface for the iPhone for the last decade. Swiping is easy, but it isn’t as easy as hitting a button, and it may throw some people off at first.
— Farhad Manjoo
——法尔哈德·曼尤(Farhad Manjoo)
The iPhone X introduces infrared face scanning.
iPhone X推出红外线面部扫描功能。
The brand-new feature in the iPhone X that has never existed on any other iPhone is infrared face scanning.
iPhone X的全新功能是红外面部扫描,这项功能从未在其他款iPhone上出现过。
The technology, called Face ID, uses an infrared camera system on the front of the phone to scan the contours and shape of a person’s head to unlock the phone and authorize mobile payments. The technology works by spraying an object with infrared dots to gather information about the depth of an object based on the size and the contortion of the dots. The imaging system can then stitch the patterns into a detailed 3-D image of your face to determine if you are indeed the owner of your smartphone before unlocking it.
该技术被称为面部身份(Face ID),它用手机前方的红外线摄像系统扫描一个人头颅的轮廓和形状,来解锁手机,授权移动支付。该技术通过在一个物体上分布红外线点,根据这些点的大小和扭曲,收集关于一个物体深度的信息。然后,该成像系统把这些形状与你面部的详细3D图像重合,在解锁前确定你是否真的是手机的主人。
— Brian X. Chen
——布莱恩·X·陈(Brian X. Chen)
The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus can handle more complex tasks.
新的iPhone 8和iPhone 8 Plus能处理更复杂的任务。
The new iPhone 8 and the 8 Plus include a six-core processor that will handle more complex tasks and 3D games more quickly and efficiently than previous iPhones. The phones generally look the same as their predecessors, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, with the exception of glass bodies, as opposed to aluminum.
新的iPhone 8和iPhone 8 Plus包括一个六核处理器,与之前的iPhone相比,它能更快、更有效地处理更复杂的任务和3D游戏。新款手机的外观与之前的iPhone 7和7 Plus大致相同,只不过机身是玻璃材质,而非铝合金。
Apple improved the phones’ cameras with new sensors and added new motion sensors to better support applications made for augmented reality, which use data to digitally manipulate the physical world when people look through a smartphone lens.
In particular, the dual cameras in the iPhone 8 Plus take photos with sharp details in low light. Apple also added a new portrait mode to improve the lighting on faces regardless of the background.
尤为重要的是,iPhone 8 Plus的双摄像头能在暗光下拍出细节更清楚的照片。苹果还增加了一个新的肖像模式,改善面部的光线——不管在什么样的背景下。
Another notable new feature is the introduction of magnetic induction to the iPhones. Similar to Apple Watch, the iPhones can now be charged by being placed on a charging pad as opposed to being plugged in with a cable.
The new iPhone 8 line will be one of the most important for Apple. Wall Street analysts have estimated that more than half of iPhone buyers will buy the 8 and 8 Plus over the next year. The models have a slightly higher starting price than their predecessors: The iPhone 8 starts at $699, up from $650 for older iPhone models.
对苹果来说,新的iPhone 8系列将是它最重要的产品。据华尔街分析人士估计,在未来的一年里,超过半数的iPhone买家会购买8或8 Plus。新款的起价比之前产品略高:iPhone 8的起价为699美元,之前的是650美元。