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    They are a dream of researchers but perhaps a nightmare for highly skilled computer programmers: artificially intelligent machines that can build other artificially intelligent machines.


    With recent speeches in both Silicon Valley and China, Jeff Dean, one of Google’s leading engineers, spotlighted a Google project called AutoML. ML is short for machine learning, referring to computer algorithms that can learn to perform particular tasks on their own by analyzing data. AutoML, in turn, is a machine-learning algorithm that learns to build other machine-learning algorithms.

    谷歌(Google)的主要工程师之一杰夫·迪安(Jeff Dean)最近在硅谷和中国的演讲中,专门提到一个名为AutoML的谷歌项目。ML是机器学习(machine learning)的缩写,指的是通过分析数据来学习如何完成某种特定任务的计算机算法。依次而论,AutoML指的是一种学习如何构建其他机器学习算法的机器学习算法。

    With it, Google may soon find a way to create A.I. technology that can partly take the humans out of building the A.I. systems that many believe are the future of the technology industry.


    The project is part of a much larger effort to bring the latest and greatest A.I. techniques to a wider collection of companies and software developers.


    The tech industry is promising everything from smartphone apps that can recognize faces to cars that can drive on their own. But by some estimates, only 10,000 people worldwide have the education, experience and talent needed to build the complex and sometimes mysterious mathematical algorithms that will drive this new breed of artificial intelligence.


    The world’s largest tech businesses, including Google, Facebook and Microsoft, sometimes pay millions of dollars a year to A.I. experts, effectively cornering the market for this hard-to-find talent. The shortage isn’t going away anytime soon, just because mastering these skills takes years of work.


    The industry is not willing to wait. Companies are developing all sorts of tools that will make it easier for any operation to build its own A.I. software, including things like image and speech recognition services and online chatbots.


    “We are following the same path that computer science has followed with every new type of technology,” said Joseph Sirosh, a vice president at Microsoft, which recently unveiled a tool to help coders build deep neural networks, a type of computer algorithm that is driving much of the recent progress in the A.I. field. “We are eliminating a lot of the heavy lifting.”

    “我们所走的道路与计算机科学在每个新技术出来时所经历的一样,”微软副总裁约瑟夫·斯洛什(Joseph Sirosh)说,微软最近推出了一个帮助程序员构建深度神经网络的工具,这是一种推动人工智能领域最新进展的计算机算法。“我们正在消除大量的繁重工作。”

    This is not altruism. Researchers like Mr. Dean believe that if more people and companies are working on artificial intelligence, it will propel their own research. At the same time, companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft see serious money in the trend that Mr. Sirosh described. All of them are selling cloud-computing services that can help other businesses and developers build A.I.


    “There is real demand for this,” said Matt Scott, a co-founder and the chief technical officer of Malong, a start-up in China that offers similar services. “And the tools are not yet satisfying all the demand.”

    “对这些服务真的有需求,”码特(Matt Scott)说,他是提供类似服务的中国初创企业码隆科技的联合创始人和首席技术官。“这些工具还不能满足所有的需求。”

    This is most likely what Google has in mind for AutoML, as the company continues to hail the project’s progress. Google’s chief executive, Sundar Pichai, boasted about AutoML last month while unveiling a new Android smartphone.

    这很可能是谷歌为AutoML设想的未来,公司正在不停地为项目的进展报喜。谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)上个月推出一款新的Android智能手机时曾吹嘘了AutoML项目。

    Eventually, the Google project will help companies build systems with artificial intelligence even if they don’t have extensive expertise, Mr. Dean said. Today, he estimated, no more than a few thousand companies have the right talent for building A.I., but many more have the necessary data.


    “We want to go from thousands of organizations solving machine learning problems to millions,” he said.


    Google is investing heavily in cloud-computing services — services that help other businesses build and run software — which it expects to be one of its primary economic engines in the years to come. And after snapping up such a large portion of the world’s top A.I researchers, it has a means of jump-starting this engine.


    Neural networks are rapidly accelerating the development of A.I. Rather than building an image-recognition service or a language translation app by hand, one line of code at a time, engineers can much more quickly build an algorithm that learns tasks on its own.


    By analyzing the sounds in a vast collection of old technical support calls, for instance, a machine-learning algorithm can learn to recognize spoken words.


    But building a neural network is not like building a website or some run-of-the-mill smartphone app. It requires significant math skills, extreme trial and error, and a fair amount of intuition. Jean-François Gagné, the chief executive of an independent machine-learning lab called Element AI, refers to the process as “a new kind of computer programming.”

    但构建神经网络与搭建网站或某个普通智能手机应用不同,它需要大量数学技能,尽可能多的试错,以及一定程度的直觉。独立机器学习实验室Element AI的首席执行官让-弗朗索瓦·加涅(Jean-François Gagné)将这个过程称为“一种新型计算机编程”。

    In building a neural network, researchers run dozens or even hundreds of experiments across a vast network of machines, testing how well an algorithm can learn a task like recognizing an image or translating from one language to another. Then they adjust particular parts of the algorithm over and over again, until they settle on something that works. Some call it a “dark art,” just because researchers find it difficult to explain why they make particular adjustments.


    But with AutoML, Google is trying to automate this process. It is building algorithms that analyze the development of other algorithms, learning which methods are successful and which are not. Eventually, they learn to build more effective machine learning. Google said AutoML could now build algorithms that, in some cases, identified objects in photos more accurately than services built solely by human experts.


    Barret Zoph, one of the Google researchers behind the project, believes that the same method will eventually work well for other tasks, like speech recognition or machine translation.

    谷歌该项目的研究人员之一巴里·佐夫(Barret Zoph)相信,同样的方法最终也会对其他任务有效,如语音识别或机器翻译。

    This is not always an easy thing to wrap your head around. But it is part of a significant trend in A.I. research. Experts call it “learning to learn” or “meta-learning.”


    Many believe such methods will significantly accelerate the progress of A.I. in both the online and physical worlds. At the University of California, Berkeley, researchers are building techniques that could allow robots to learn new tasks based on what they have learned in the past.

    许多人相信,这种方法会极大地加快网络及现实中人工智能的发展。在加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),研究人员正在构建能够让机器人根据之前所学进而学习新任务的技术。

    “Computers are going to invent the algorithms for us, essentially,” said a Berkeley professor, Pieter Abbeel. “Algorithms invented by computers can solve many, many problems very quickly — at least that is the hope.”

    “大体上说,计算机将会代替我们创造算法,”伯克利教授彼得·阿比尔(Pieter Abbeel)说。“计算机构建的算法可以非常快地解决很多很多问题——至少希望是这样。”

    This is also a way of expanding the number of people and businesses that can build artificial intelligence. These methods will not replace A.I. researchers entirely. Experts, like those at Google, must still do much of the important design work. But the belief is that the work of a few experts can help many others build their own software.


    Renato Negrinho, a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University who is exploring technology similar to AutoML, said this was not a reality today but should be in the years to come. “It is just a matter of when,” he said.

    卡内基梅隆大学研究与AutoML相似技术的研究员雷纳托·内格尼奥(Renato Negrinho)说,这不是今天的现实,但会是未来几年的现实。“迟早会来的,”他说。

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