The genetically identical long-tailed macaques born in Shanghai last month, called Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, are the first primate clones produced through the method that made Dolly the sheep in Scotland in 1996. Their names are a play on the phrase Zhonghua, which means Chinese nation or people.
Although the cloning method, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), is almost routine in mammals such as sheep, cattle and mice, it has been extremely difficult to replicate in primates. Previous efforts with monkeys often resulted in clones that did not develop properly as embryos or died shortly after birth.
Now that SCNT cloning has been achieved with primates, human cloning is possible, said authors of the study, which is published in the journal Cell.
“The technical barrier is now broken. In principle [this method] can be applied to humans,” said Mu-ming Poo, a co-author, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Centre for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology. But, he added, “we cloned [the macaques] to produce animal models useful for medicine, for human health. There’s no intention for us to apply this method to humans.”
“技术障碍现在被突破了。原则上(这种方法)可以应用于人类,”来自中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心(CEBSIT)的联名作者蒲慕明(Mu-ming Poo)表示。但他补充称:“我们克隆(这些猕猴)以培育用于医学、服务于人类健康的动物模型。我们无意将这种方法应用于人类。”
SCNT involves replacing the nucleus of an egg cell with DNA from a differentiated body cell such as skin. This reconstructed egg develops into a clone of the DNA donor.
In 1999 US researchers at the Oregon National Primate Research Center produced a live cloned rhesus monkey, named Tetra, through embryo splitting — a simpler process that occurs naturally in identical twins but cannot generate more than four clones at a time.
1999年,美国俄勒冈国家灵长类动物研究中心(Oregon National Primate Research Center)的研究人员利用胚胎分裂技术(一种更简单的过程,在同卵双胞胎中自然发生,但无法一次产生4个以上的克隆),成功克隆出一只名叫Tetra的恒河猴。
In principle, SCNT can produce a larger number of clones from the same donor, which could help medical research by generating genetically uniform groups of monkeys with specific characteristics.
The team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Neuroscience in Shanghai failed in its efforts to produce healthy clones from adult cells but succeeded with fibroblasts — connective tissue cells — from a macaque foetus.
“The researchers not only replace the DNA sequence but also make sure the sequence expression of certain genes and the amount of that expression are co-ordinated so they are in the right place at the right time,” said Gang Fang at New York University Shanghai. “That’s quite difficult.”
“研究人员不仅要替换DNA序列,还要确保某些基因的序列表达以及表达的数量协调一致,使它们在正确的时间到达正确的位置,”上海纽约大学(New York University Shanghai)的方刚表示。“这种操作的难度很大。”
Zhong Zhong, eight weeks, and Hua Hua, six weeks, are apparently developing normally. The Shanghai team expects more macaque clones to be born over the coming months.
The study raises concerns about animal ethics in China, which has less rigid testing regulations than many other countries, though the researchers followed guidelines for animal research set by the US National Institutes of Health. Dr Poo is encouraging scientists internationally to discuss the issue. “We are very aware that future research using non-human primates anywhere in the world depends on scientists following very strict ethical standards,” he said.
The cloned macaques are examples of the way skyrocketing Chinese state funding of basic research is yielding significant advances in fields ranging from quantum computing to biology.
Chinese state-led funding of basic research — science that has no immediate commercial applications — increased to $10bn in 2015. While that number is about one-quarter of US federal spending on basic research, it represents a vast increase from the $3.9bn in total state science funding four years earlier, according to China’s National Natural Science Foundation.