An infectious, drug-resistant fungus that kills about half of the people it infects is spreading around the globe, including the United States.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there are 685 cases confirmed in the U.S. of the serious and sometimes deadly fungal infection Candida auris. The infection is often spread in health care settings.
The CDC is concerned about C. auris because it's often resistant to the antifungal drugs commonly used to treat other Candida infections. It's also difficult to identify and diagnose with standard testing methods, leading to inappropriate, ineffective treatment.
Although anyone can be susceptible to an infection, risk factors include patients with diabetes or who've had recent surgery or central venous catheter placement or those using broad-spectrum antibiotics and antifungals. It targets people with weakened immune systems such as the elderly and infants.
C.auris was first identified in Japan in 2009, where it was found in the ear canal of a patient who complained of an ear infection. Although "auris" is the Latin word for ear, the fungus can affect many other regions of the body, according to the CDC.
C. auris can last on surfaces like chairs and bedrails for a long time, which allows it to spread easily in health care settings. (Photo: Syda Productions/Shutterstock)
Fungal infections are rare in humans because most fungi can't grow in temperatures as warm as the human body. In researching relatives of C. auris, Casadevall’s team were led to believe that this fungus may have adapted to higher temperatures.
"What this study suggests is this is the beginning of fungi adapting to higher temperatures, and we are going to have more and more problems as the century goes on," said Casadevall in a statement. "Global warming will lead to selection of fungal lineages that are more thermally tolerant, such that they can breach the mammalian thermal restriction zone."
A strain of Candida auris cultured in a petri dish at the CDC. (Photo: CDC)
The fungus has now been reported in more than 30 countries including Canada, Colombia, India, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Pakistan, South Africa, South Korea, Venezuela and the United Kingdom.