In utero sex hormone quantities could help predict if a child has autism or not, a new study finds.
“Fetal Estrogens and Autism,” published Monday in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, has discovered a link between estrogen levels and a child’s likelihood to develop autism.
周一发表在《分子精神病学》(Molecular Psychiatry)杂志上的《胎儿雌激素与自闭症》(rogens and Autism)发现,雌激素水平与儿童患自闭症的可能性存在关联。
Scientists at the University of Cambridge and Denmark’s State Serum Institute analyzed amniotic fluid samples from 98 mom’s whose fetuses later developed autism. The samples — sourced from the Danish Biobank — had previously been studied by the same group of scientists, when they measured the levels of four prenatal steroid hormones in 2015.
剑桥大学和丹麦国家血清研究所的科学家分析了98名母亲的羊水样本,这些母亲的胎儿后来患上了自闭症。这些样本来自丹麦生物银行(Danish Biobank),此前曾由同一组科学家研究过,他们在2015年测量了四种产前类固醇激素的水平。
In the 2015 study, the scientists found the hormones were higher in male fetuses who later developed autism. This, in addition to the fact that male fetuses are known to produce more androgens (male-trait inducing hormones) helps explain why autism is more common in males, researchers say.
In the recent study, scientists found that high levels of prenatal estrogens — which includes testosterone — were an even better indicator of autism.
“This new finding supports the idea that increased prenatal sex steroid hormones are one of the potential causes for the condition,” says lead study author Simon Baron-Cohen, director of Cambridge’s Autism Research Centre. “Genetics is well established as another, and these hormones likely interact with genetic factors to affect the developing fetal brain.”
The source of the increased hormone levels is not yet clear — but scientists hope to determine its origin with future research studies.
“These elevated hormones could be coming from the mother, the baby or the placenta, says Cambridge PhD student and study co-author Alex Tsompanidis. “Our next step should be to study all these possible sources and how they interact during pregnancy.”
Scientists say future research should also look at how the study’s findings apply to female fetuses.
“This finding is exciting because the role of estrogens in autism has hardly been studied, and we hope that we can learn more about how they contribute to fetal brain development in further experiments,” says Cambridge researcher Dr. Alexa Pohl. “We still need to see whether the same result holds true in autistic females.”
剑桥大学的研究人员Alexa Pohl博士说:“这一发现令人兴奋,因为雌激素在自闭症中的作用几乎没有被研究过,我们希望我们能在进一步的实验中,了解到雌激素是如何促进胎儿大脑发育的。”“我们仍然需要看看自闭症女性是否也有同样的结果。”
The findings cannot yet be used to screen for autism, researchers stress: Their answers are only intended and applicable to better understanding the disorder.
“We are interested in understanding autism, not preventing it,” says Baron-Cohen.
“我们感兴趣的是理解自闭症,而不是预防它,”Baron Cohen说。