Therapy could help millions of insomnia sufferers get an hour’s more sleep each night, new research has revealed.
The sleep disorder affects one in four Americans and one in three adults in the UK. As a result, doctors doled out more than 8.5 million prescriptions for sleeping pills last year.
However, drugs can have harmful side effects and are known to be addictive. Fortunately, a new study has now revealed that counseling with a doctor, nurse or therapist is an effective alternative to help people nod off.
The study, which analyzed 13 trials on around 1,500 adults, found that patients who had undergone four to six sessions of “talking therapy” — known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) — struggled much less with insomnia.
Not only did they drift off up to 31 minutes earlier, they stayed asleep for up to 37 minutes extra. And the effects were still going strong 12 months later.
The research was published in the British Journal of General Practice.
Lead researcher Judith Davidson, from Queen’s University, Canada, said: “There is now a way for GPs to help insomnia sufferers without prescribing drugs.
“Widespread studies have established that CBT-I [talking therapy] is effective and lasting. It works well to get patients sleeping well again.”
Experts also said CBT may work out cheaper than sleeping pills over time, as it continues to be effective in the long run.
Health dangers of sleep deprivation
Doctors recommend adults get between seven and nine hours shut-eye a night. Having too little sleep has been linked to a range of health problems including obesity, strokes, heart attacks, depression and anxiety.
Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: “Insomnia can cause huge distress and frustration for patients, and can have significant long-term health implications.
“For many patients, sleeping tablets can seem like an obvious treatment option, but they are not usually effective for more than a few days, and GPs will only use them as a last resort,” she said.
Stokes-Lampard added that insomnia sufferers can also boost rest by practicing good “sleep hygiene” before bed, including limiting booze and caffeine consumption.