A “potentially hazardous” asteroid the size of the Empire State Building will come within striking distance of the Earth on Aug. 10 — but is expected to zoom by without incident, according to NASA.
The space rock — designated as a near-Earth object, because its orbit takes it within 30 million miles of Earth — is expected come within about 4.55 million miles of the planet as it whizzes by us at 10,400 mph.
Anything that gets closer than 0.05 “astronomical units” — roughly 4.65 million miles — is considered “potentially hazardous.”
The asteroid, dubbed 2006 QQ23, is 1,870 feet in diameter — some 36 stories larger than the 1,454-foot-tall Empire State Building.
这颗小行星被命名为2006 QQ23,直径1870英尺,比1454英尺高的帝国大厦大36层。
It hasn’t gotten this close to our terrestrial home since 2001, when it came within 3.13 million miles, according to data from NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies
2006 QQ23’s next near-Earth appearance is expected on Feb. 15, 2022, but it won’t come nearly as close, data shows.