Eco-Win! Rockstar Announces That For Every Mile Driven In ‘Grand Theft Auto Online’
They’ll Plant A Tree In-Game
Grand Theft Auto Online has seen its fair share of pain and controversy over the years, but Rockstar has once again cemented their status as industry leaders by finally tackling one of its biggest issues with an all new eco-friendly feature: To help offset the city’s carbon emissions, the game’s developers will plant an in-game tree for every mile you drive.
多年来,Grand Theft Auto Online经历了相当多的痛苦和争议,但Rockstar再次巩固了他们作为行业领先者的地位,最终通过一个全新的环保功能来解决其最大的问题之一:为了帮助抵消城市的碳排放,游戏开发商将为你行驶的每一英里种植一棵游戏内的树。

“Rockstar has always been committed to the sustainability of our in-game world, and that’s why we’re launching all-new features like planting a tree for every mile driven, adding solar panels to the roofs of fast-food restaurants and strip clubs, and turning the Tongva Valley into an official wilderness preserve,” Rockstar spokesperson Michael DeVine told OGN, explaining that the development team went to great lengths to ensure the state of San Andreas scales back its environmental footprint, whether that means prioritizing carpooling or even holding green funerals for every person you kill.
“Rockstar一直致力于我们游戏世界的可持续性,这就是我们推出全新功能的原因,比如每行驶一英里就种一棵树,在快餐店和脱衣舞俱乐部的屋顶上添加太阳能电池板,将通瓦山谷变成官方的荒野保护区,”Rockstar发言人迈克尔·迪瓦恩(Michael Devine)告诉OGN,他解释说,开发团队不遗余力地确保圣安德烈亚州缩减其环境足迹,无论是优先拼车,还是为你杀死的每个人举行绿色葬礼。
It sure is refreshing to see a company that truly values protecting the environment!
“We wanted our players to have a clean conscience as they hijack, rob, and murder their way across the city, and that means tackling climate change in a big way,” said DeVine, noting that Rockstar was attempting to make amends for spending years putting millions of gas-guzzling cars on the streets of Los Santos. “So, we’ll be planting hundreds of thousands of trees in just the first few months, which will not just reduce carbon levels but also fight the air pollution and soil erosion that is such a threat to San Andreas.”

“Within the next five years, we hope to ensure that Grand Theft Auto Online will be completely carbon neutral,” he added.
“在接下来的五年内,我们希望确保侠盗车手在线(Grand Theft Auto Online)完全做到碳中和,”他补充说。
Rockstar declined to comment on whether they were considering introducing a citywide economic mobilization in the vein of the Green New Deal, but given their excellent track record, it doesn’t seem too outside the realm of possibility!