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    How to lose your love handles?


    If you ask almost any fitness professional how to lose your love handles, they will tell you two things: No amount of abdominal crunches will make a difference if you don't first improve your diet and exercise regimen.


    And there is no such thing as "spot reducing" when it comes to fat loss, so you can't target this area alone.



    Love handles, the pinchable fat on both sides of your stomach that leads to a "muffin top" appearance, are especially stubborn. They do not respond as quickly to diet and exercise changes as the more dangerous visceral fat that is deep within your abdomen and leads to more of a "potbelly" appearance.


    If you are a woman and your waist is larger than 35 inches around or a man with a waist size greater than 40 inches, you will lose the deep belly fat first. This is actually better for your health, as visceral fat has been linked to numerous medical issues, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes and inflammation.


    To lose the subcutaneous fat that forms not-so-lovable love handles (or excess fat on your hips, thighs and buttocks), it's going to take even more time and effort.


    What is the best diet for losing your love handles? The one you can stick with long-term, as it's not going to be quick or easy for most people. This is especially true for men, as this is often the last place on their body where they lose weight.



    In terms of specific exercise recommendations, three top trainers shared the advice they give their A-list clients.


    Gunnar Peterson, who trains Hollywood actors and professional athletes including the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers, advocates a comprehensive lifestyle approach that includes clean eating, adequate sleep, stress management, plenty of hydration, and sprint work mixed with steady-state cardio on alternate days to optimize fat burning.

    冈纳·彼得森(Gunnar Peterson)是好莱坞演员和职业运动员的培训师,其中包括NBA洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)。他倡导一种全面的生活方式,包括干净的饮食、充足的睡眠、压力管理、充足的补水和短跑训练,以及每隔一天进行一次稳定的有氧运动,以优化脂肪燃烧。

    Sprint work, also known as high-intensity interval training, involves alternating periods of maximum effort with periods of recovery (not be confused with rest). The duration of sprints can increase and recovery periods can decrease as your fitness levels improve. Steady-state cardio involves working out at approximately 65% to 85% of your maximum heart rate for at least 30 minutes.


    One exercise Peterson does not recommend for reducing love handles is side bends with heavy weights. This type of exercise can actually exacerbate the appearance of love handles by increasing the size of the underlying external oblique muscles. Instead, he recommends working all of the abdominal muscles, not just the obliques, in multiple planes of motion. Exercises that reach those areas include wood chops, medicine ball rotations, medicine ball slams (at a variety of angles) and banded overhead extensions side to side and back to front.


    Ami Jampolis, a top San Francisco Bay Area trainer (and, full disclosure, my sister), recommends high-intensity circuit training several times a week to build or maintain calorie-burning muscle, along with several days of steady-state cardiovascular training.

    旧金山湾区(San Francisco Bay Area)的顶级健身教练Ami Jampolis建议每周进行几次高强度的循环训练,以锻炼或维持燃烧卡路里的肌肉,同时进行几天稳定的心血管训练。

    Although their approaches may vary, professionals agree with the popular saying "abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym." If you really want to lose your love handles, start by finding a diet plan that works for you and that you can stick with long-term, and then build in an exercise program that works with your current fitness level, exercise preference, budget and schedule.


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