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    When your child vapes, what's a parent to do?


    When Sonya Kennedy learned that her 12-year-old son, Ryder, had tried vaping, she was "mortified."

    当索尼娅·肯尼迪(Sonya Kennedy)得知她12岁的儿子莱德(Ryder)曾尝试吸电子烟时,她“感到羞愧”。

    "He honestly didn't think that there was anything wrong," Kennedy said. "He told me that almost all the grade-sevens were doing it."



    And she soon realized that the trend had reached many more kids in her orbit: Kennedy, who owns a dance studio in Northern California, found that most of her dancers had tried vaping, too. She learned that kids were vaping at school, taking puffs inside their shirts and in some cases charging their e-cigarettes in their teacher's own computer, she said.


    Meanwhile, many parents seemed oblivious.


    "It's a bad habit that I started realizing parents didn't know about," she said.


    Health experts say parents whose kids are vaping often don't know what to do or where to turn for help.


    While federal authorities grapple with how to regulate e-cigarettes on a broad scale and while leading tobacco company Altria invests billions in e-cigarette maker Juul, parents are scrambling at home to deal with nicotine dependence -- or to prevent their kids from getting hooked on something that's ubiquitous at many schools. Some are even approaching addiction rehab programs in hopes of weaning their kids off these products.


    "It's all over social media," Kennedy said, and popular among star athletes in her community.


    As a mother, Kennedy said, she understands the role that peer pressure can play with fads like e-cigarettes. And as the mother of an athlete -- Ryder is an avid football and basketball player -- Kennedy said she knew that she had to do something. So she asked a local business to print a few T-shirts with a straightforward message: "Athletes don't vape." She didn't know that it would catch on.



    Ryder called his mother the first day he wore the shirt to school, saying that some of his friends wanted their own. Kennedy also shared photos of the shirt on Facebook and received requests from people in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Canada who wanted in on the positive message. She even invited local athletes to a photo shoot and posted the results on social media -- and they actually showed up on a Sunday morning, to her surprise.


    "The response of the kids was what blew my mind," Kennedy said.


    Well over 500 shirts have been printed, she said; most have been given away in conjunction with Ryder's middle school and Kennedy's dance company, and others continue to be sold at cost. Kennedy said her goal is to share a positive message and raise awareness among kids and parents alike.


    "It can be frightening for some parents [and] anxiety-provoking for parents to realize that their kids are vaping," said Pat Aussem, a master addictions counselor with the Parent Coaching Program at the nonprofit Partnership for Drug-Free Kids.

    帕特·奥西姆(Pat Aussem)是“无药儿童伙伴关系”(Partnership for drug free kids)家长辅导项目的一名成瘾专家顾问,他说:“对一些家长来说,意识到孩子在吸电子烟可能会让他们感到害怕,让家长感到焦虑。

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