These Egg And Milk Proteins Are Made Without Animals
Earlier today, I ate a scoop of chocolate ice cream – creamy and pleasantly fatty feeling in my mouth. This would hardly seem newsworthy, except for the high-tech ingredient that made my frozen treat go down so smoothly: dairy proteins produced in a lab, no cows needed.
The realm of plant-based meat substitutes has gotten a lot of buzz lately. Think the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat – companies that use biochemistry to mimic the taste and texture of meat using plant-based ingredients. There's another frontier along these lines – start-ups that use microbes to create egg, dairy and other animal proteins without the animals.
Their pitch: Sustainability. Livestock agriculture uses lots of water and land resources, and produces significant amounts of greenhouse gases.
"If you can produce just the proteins that you want without keeping a living animal alive, that's going to be a lot more efficient, so it's better for the environment," says Bruce Friedrich of the Good Food Institute, which promotes plant- and cell-based alternatives to animal protein. And he says as the technology scales up, it should be a lot cheaper to produce proteins this way, too.
Among the early entrants in this field is Perfect Day, producer of the aforementioned ice cream. The company took the genetic code for the main proteins in whey, a byproduct of cheese-making, then had it artificially synthesized into a molecule of DNA – so the process is "totally animal free," says Perfect Day co-founder Ryan Pandya. Then they genetically engineered microbes to produce the same proteins through fermentation.
在这个领域的早期进入者是完美的一天,生产者上述冰淇淋。Perfect Day公司的联合创始人瑞恩·潘迪亚说,该公司提取了乳清中主要蛋白质的遗传密码,然后将其人工合成成DNA分子,因此这个过程“完全不需要动物参与”。乳清是制作奶酪的副产品。然后他们通过基因工程改造微生物,通过发酵产生相同的蛋白质。
"Just like cows eat plants and make milk, it turns out [micro]flora can eat plants and make milk. And that's all we've done," Pandya says.
"The process is really simple," he says. You take a tank of microbes, feed them, and they turn into milk protein. "Then you separated it out with filtration and drying and you're done."
Why focus on whey? In frozen desserts, whey protein provides velvety texture – Perfect Day released its ice cream in a limited run of about 1,000 3-pint boxes as a sort of proof of concept to introduce consumers to its technology. (Bonus: It's also lactose free.)
为什么要关注乳清?在冷冻甜点中,乳清蛋白提供了天鹅绒般的质感——Perfect Day在有限的1000个3品脱的盒子中推出了它的冰淇淋,作为向消费者介绍其技术概念的一种证明。(附赠:它也不含乳糖。)
But the company's goal is actually to become an ingredient supplier to all the food companies that rely on whey to boost protein levels in a range of foods, from smoothies to power bars. The target audience goes beyond vegans — to everyone.
"Rather than try to compete with all these big food makers that are otherwise just going to buy a ton of whey protein from factory-farmed cows, we can actually give them a better supply chain and in so doing, we can have a lot more impact than we would on our own," Pandya says.
Other companies looking to shake up the food supply include Motif Ingredients, which launched earlier this year with $90 million in investor financing. It aims to produce alternatives to dairy, egg and meat proteins using microbial fermentation and supply them to food makers.
其他寻求改变食品供应的公司包括Motif components,该公司于今年早些时候推出,获得了9000万美元的投资者融资。该公司的目标是利用微生物发酵生产乳制品、蛋类和肉类蛋白的替代品,并将其供应给食品生产商。
Clara Foods is using a similar synthetic biology process to create egg white proteins, including a highly soluble protein that would be used in sports drinks and other beverages. That could hit the food market early next year, says Ranjan Patnaik, vice president for technology strategy and operational excellence. Another protein in the pipeline could be used as egg whites — think vegan meringue and baked goods.
克拉拉食品公司正在使用类似的合成生物学过程来制造蛋清蛋白,其中包括一种高可溶性蛋白,将用于运动饮料和其他饮料。该公司负责技术战略和卓越运营的副总裁帕特奈克(Ranjan Patnaik)说,这可能会在明年初冲击食品市场。另一种正在研发中的蛋白质可以用作蛋清——想想素食蛋白酥皮和烘焙食品。
"We have made all kinds those of pound cake, meringue, other recipes" in their development lab in the San Francisco Bay Area, Patnaik says.