Week after week, studies come out about the benefits of exercise. And while online resources can inspire you in countess ways to get moving, you likely won't learn the correct way to squat or dead lift via YouTube.
"If you don't have enough mobility at each joint to perform an exercise safely, then really any part of the body is at risk for injury," says Alison McGinnis, DPT, FAFS. She's a physical therapist at Finish Line Physical Therapy in New York City.
But that isn't stopping people from pumping iron. Even with an onlooking trainer or coach, gym go-ers, racers and athletes alike still get injured. Yes, this is the exact business that keeps physical therapists busy and employed, but the rehab bills and time can really start to add up if you're the victim of improper training.
Wondering which types of exercises might make you the most vulnerable?
While any exercise performed with poor technique could put you in harm's way, some moves are more commonly botched than others. We called on six leading physical therapists to share, which exercises could land you in rehab if done incorrectly. Don't say you weren't warned.
1. Bicycle crunches
1. 踩单车
"As exercisers drop in and out of abdominal flexion, losing their muscle tension in the midsection, the low back gets wrenched in and out of extension with little support," says Alycea Ungaro, PT. She's the owner of Real Pilates in New York City.
“当锻炼者在腹部屈肌前后运动时,腹部中段的肌肉张力会消失,在几乎没有支撑的情况下,下背部会被拉进拉出。”亚特兰大的Alycea Ungaro说,她是纽约市Real Pilates的老板。
She explains that twisting at high speeds is a recipe for herniated discs and muscle spasms.
Your better bet: Slow the crunch down drastically if you feel you have to perform it.
2. Lat pull-downs (behind the head)
2. 下拉(头部后面)
If you don't realize vulnerable positions you're placing your body in, you won't be able to help prevent injury.
"The lat pull-down places a lot of stress on the anterior joint capsule of the shoulder and can eventually lead to impingement or even rotator cuff tears," says Jessica Malpelli, DPT. She's a therapist at the Florida Orthopedic Institute.
DPT的Jessica Malpelli说:“下拉会给肩部前关节囊带来很大的压力,最终会导致撞击甚至肩袖撕裂。”她是佛罗里达骨科研究所的一名治疗师。
3. The kettlebell swing
Yes, it's one of the best strengthening exercises around. The catch: It requires impeccable technique.
While many people think this movement is all arms, it's actually powered from your lower body, specifically the posterior chain including the glutes and hamstrings, make sure the power is generated from glutes and hamstrings.