The plot of my only recurring nightmare goes like this: I'm back in college and have not attended one of my classes all semester (usually math or science), and now a final exam is imminent.
I'm completely unprepared, time has run out, and I don't even recall where the classroom is, so I can't find the professor. I wake up without a resolution.
This is how every brain works. It diligently perseverates over worst-case scenarios, like an anxious new parent. It's just trying to keep us safe and usually does a great job at it.
But that same things also make it too easy to worry about the wrong things. It clouds our thinking with fear of outcomes that will never come to pass or aren't nearly as bad as we let ourselves imagine. That's the type of worry the writer Erma Bombeck equated to a rocking chair: "It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere."
但同样的事情也让我们很容易担心错误的事情。它让我们的思想充满恐惧,让我们担心那些永远不会发生的事情,或者根本不像我们想象的那么糟糕的事情。作家埃尔玛·邦贝克(Erma Bombeck)把这种担忧比作一把摇椅:“它让你有事可做,但永远不会让你有所成就。”
And all that useless worry is detrimental to our overall mental and physical well-being. It can misinform decision-making, raise stress levels, keep us up at night and erode our happiness.
For some, anxiety and worry are so toxic and burdensome that medication and/or therapy is needed to fully function. "What worries you," John Locke wrote, "masters you."
"One thing life taught ye was how stupid it was to worry about things ye didnay know for sure, things that might no even happen, nay point in worrying about them," wrote the Scottish novelist and playwright James Kelman.
You may need to teach yourself the same lesson, and tracking your worries can be an effective way to do it,but make it quantifiable so you can be a bit scientific about it.
I concluded my personal experiment, and it didn't free me from all worry, of course. But I worry less often and about fewer things.
Now, when a worry starts to brew in my mental cauldron, I take a hard look at whether it's just fictional preparedness, whether there may be something good that could come if it does happen and whether I can do anything to prevent it.