Which Country Has the Best Digital Quality Life?
TECHNOLOGY AFFECTS nearly every aspect of daily life, providing convenience and efficiency in areas such as health care, education and communication. Yet not all nations are performing well in the digital space, according to a recent study. The top five countries ranked by their digital quality of life come from different parts of the world, and Australia takes the podium.
Australia ranked highest in the 2019 Digital Quality of Life index, a study produced by Surfshark, a virtual private network based in the British Virgin Islands. The country registered a score of 0.7992 on of a scale of zero to one. Australia was followed by France with a near identical score, and Singapore, at 0.78. None of the countries examined crossed the threshold of 0.8, reflecting room for improvement in various digital areas globally, according to the study's authors.
澳大利亚在2019年“数字生活质量指数”(Digital Quality of Life Index)中排名最高,该指数是由总部位于英属维尔京群岛的虚拟私人网络“冲浪鲨鱼”(Surfshark)进行的一项研究。这个国家在0到1的评分中获得了0.7992分。紧随其后的是几乎相同的法国和新加坡,得分为0.78。研究报告的作者表示,所有接受调查的国家都没有超过0.8的限制,这反映出全球各个数字领域还有改进的空间。
The Surfshark research is based on open-source information from the databases of multiple sources, including the United Nations, the World Bank, Freedom House and the International Communications Union, The report examined a total population of more than 5.5 billion people in 65 countries and used factored in criteria that included internet connectivity speed, affordability, cybersecurity, the availability of data protection laws, e-government services and others.
In their assessment of Australia, the study's authors credit the affordability of the mobile internet in the country, comparatively high mobile internet speeds and what they label a "solid level of cybersecurity in the country."
The top 10 ranking countries:
Included Norway, Japan, Canada, Denmark, South Korea, Italy, and Sweden. The United States ranked No. 11, scoring high in cybersecurity, and e-government availability.
Finishing last among the countries studied was Algeria, followed by Ethiopia, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan. In their remarks about Algeria, the study's authors note the low mobile and broadband internet speeds, low internet affordability, a poor development of electronic government services and the second-lowest score in cybersecurity, barely finishing better than Nepal.