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    Designers Created A Jacket That Mimics Survival Mechanism Of A Squid And Is Made Of 2 Billion Glass Spheres


    Drawing inspiration from nature, the brand known for its innovative approach to clothing – Vollebak – recently crafted a new futuristic jacket inspired by the adaptive camouflage of the black squid. To design the jacket, the team at Vollebak used lasers and embedded more than 2 billion microscopic glass spheres into resin on the jacket’s surface. Thus, if you’re inside or in dull daylight lighting, its texture appears dark metallic and slick, but when it gets exposed to bright light – it reflects every color in the visible spectrum. Needless to say, it looks mesmerizing.


    The jacket by the brand Vollebak is inspired by the biological survival mechanism of a squid


    The color-shifting jacket mimics the squid’s skin – an incredibly adapted creature that’s able to both make itself highly visible by creating optical illusions in just fractions of a second, and camouflage itself to match with its surroundings. Vollebak replicated this biological survival mechanism to design the jacket that looks dull metallic black in subdued light conditions, but reflects all visible colors when exposed to bright light. The Black Squid jacket is also fully waterproof and windproof. “The Black Squid Jacket focuses on replicating the elements of squid skin that make it hyper-visible. While the squid uses microscopic plate-like structures on the surface of its skin to change color, our jacket uses disruptively-structured microscopic glass spheres,” explained one of the Vollebak founders, Steve Tidball.

    这种变色外套模仿了乌贼的皮肤——一种适应性极强的生物,能够在短短几秒钟内制造出视觉幻象,让自己变得高度可见,并伪装自己以适应周围环境。Vollebak复制了这种生物生存机制,设计了这种夹克,它在弱光条件下看起来是暗淡的金属黑色,但在强光下可以反射所有可见的颜色。黑色鱿鱼外套也完全防水防风。“黑色鱿鱼外套的重点是复制鱿鱼皮的元素,使其高度可见。Vollebak的创始人之一Steve Tidball解释说:“乌贼皮肤表面的微板状结构可以改变颜色,而我们的外套则使用了具有颠覆性结构的微玻璃球。”

    It has been dubbed the ‘Black Squid Jacket’


    It is completely windproof as well as waterproof


    More than 2 billion microscopic glass spheres were embedded into resin on the garment’s surface


    Thus, when exposed to bright light, it ‘lights up’ in all the colors from the visible spectrum


    The tiny glass spheres were embedded using lasers


    “With over two billion of them embedded in resin on the jacket’s surface and over 40,000 in every single square centimeter, they’re invisible to the naked eye. When light hits the jacket, it travels through the curved surface of these black glass spheres and strikes the back of them before being reflected back at the original light source and scattered away from it simultaneously so that the fabric looks like it’s emitting light,” Steve Tidball added. As the jacket is designed mostly for those that are doing outside sports (skiing, snowboarding), its front zipper and pockets are also waterproof. It also has a super high collar, crafted to “ride comfortably up and over your face to meet your goggles.” Naturally, the elasticated hood works perfectly with any ski and snowboard helmets.

    “它们中有超过20亿颗嵌在夹克表面的树脂中,每平方厘米中有超过40000颗,肉眼是看不见的。当光线照射到夹克上时,它会穿过这些黑色玻璃球的曲面,照射到它们的背面,然后反射回原来的光源,并同时从光源散射出去,这样面料看起来就像在发光一样。”Steve Tidball补充道。由于夹克主要是为户外运动(滑雪、滑雪板)设计的,它的前拉链和口袋也是防水的。它还有一个超高的领子,设计成“舒适地贴在你的脸上,戴上护目镜”。当然,这种有弹性的兜帽与任何滑雪板和滑雪板头盔都能完美搭配。

    More info: Vollebak

    Image credits: Vollebak

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