On the homepage for the brain-training game NeuroNation, there's a spinning, high-tech science-y brain with blinking lights. It says, "Your potential is infinite."
Brain-training games might be playing mind games with you. (Photo: adike/Shutterstock)
Researchers have been divided over whether brain-training games really work. Some studies have found benefits while others have shown none. That's why a team of seven scientists performed an extensive evaluation of more than 130 studies in scientific literature about brain training and other cognitive games. They found that many of the studies had flaws in the way they were designed.
On the flip side, a new study led by University of California, Irvine, researchers finds that online brain games enable people in their 70s and 80s to multitask cognitively as well as people who are 50 years younger.
Similarly, a study published in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia finds that playing speed decision-making games seems to lower dementia risk. Researchers analyzed the results of a study which followed 1,220 people over 10 years. Participants were divided into four groups. One group was taught memory tricks, one group learned reasoning skills, and one group played a speed-training game on the computer. The last group of people weren’t given anything. Only 5.9 percent of the people in the speed-training group developed dementia; in the other three groups, the figure was around 10 percent.
A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesfound that some of the alleged benefits of brain games may be due to placebo effects.
All of the study participants took an IQ test, then did an hour of brain training — not enough, the researchers point out, to likely boost anyone's intelligence. The next day, the participants took another IQ test. Those who were told of brain-training benefits had a 5-10 point boost in their IQ score, while those who heard nothing of the benefits tested about the same as they did before the training.
4 games to try for fun
Lumosity games include quickly spotting the bird migrating in the wrong direction. (Photo: Lumosity)
Math is good for your brain. (Photo: NeuroNation)
Peak offers encouraging words like, 'Play smart, feel sharp!' (Photo: Peak)
Elevate games include error avoidance and brevity. (Photo: Elevate)
One fan of this popular app gushes on the Elevate webpage, "I feel like I'm taking a mental multivitamin." The relatively new training program offers nearly three dozen activities working on things like focus, estimation, spelling, agility, memory, pronunciation, precision and clarity.