醒醒吧人类: 你们在睡眠上欺骗了自己
Hey. What you believe about sleep may be nothing but a pipe dream.
Many of us have notions about sleep that have little basis in fact and may even be harmful to our health, according to researchers at NYU Langone Health's School of Medicine, who conducted a study published Tuesday in the journal Sleep Health.
"There's such a link between good sleep and our success," said lead study investigator Rebecca Robbins, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone Health.
Here are 5 very wrong, unhealthy assumptions we often make about sleep, an act in which we spend an estimated third of our lives -- or, if we lived to 100, about 12,227 combined days.
1. Adults need five or fewer hours of sleep
"If you wanted to have the ability to function at your best during the day, not to be sick, to be mentally strong, to be able to have the lifestyle that you would enjoy, how many hours do you have to sleep?" asked senior study investigator Girardin Jean-Louis, a professor in the Department of Population Health.
“如果你想有能力在白天发挥你最好的状态,不生病,精神强大,拥有能让你享受的生活方式,你需要睡几个小时?”人口健康系教授、高级研究员Girardin Jean-Louis说。
"It turns out a lot of people felt less than five hours of sleep a night was just fine," he said. "That's the most problematic assumption we found."
2. It's healthy to be able to fall asleep 'anywhere, anytime'
Falling asleep as soon as the car/train/airplane starts moving is not a sign of a well-rested person, sleep experts say. In fact, it's just the opposite.
"Falling asleep instantly anywhere, anytime, is a sign that you are not getting enough sleep and you're falling into 'micro sleeps' ," Robbins said. 'It means your body is so exhausted."
3. Your brain and body can adapt to less sleep
People also believed that the brain and body could adapt and learn to function optimally with less sleep. That is a myth, experts say.
4. Drinking alcohol before bed helps you fall sleep
Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but that's where the benefits end, Robbins said. Instead, it traps you in the lighter stages of sleep and "dramatically reduces the quality of your rest at night."
5. Not sleeping? Stay in bed with eyes closed
In reality, Robbins said, it takes a healthy sleeper about 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you're tossing and turning much longer than that, you should get out of bed, change the environment and do something mindless: "Keep the lights low and fold socks," she suggested.