Water discovered for first time on planet that may be habitable
In a tantalising first, scientists have discovered water at a planet outside our solar system that has temperatures suitable for life.
London researchers announced today they've found water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet 110 light-years away. This so-called Super Earth is the right distance from its star to conceivably harbour life.
The University College London scientists say it's the only exoplanet known so far to have both water and temperatures needed for life, making it a prime candidate for potential life. But they caution it's not another Earth.

It's twice the size of Earth with eight times the mass, and its star is unlike our sun. No one knows if water's flowing on the surface. Lead author Angelos Tsiaras says it could help determine, "Is the Earth unique?"
Its star and atmosphere are so different than ours that "Earth-like conditions are not possible," Tsiaras told reporters. "The only question that we're trying to ask here, and we're pushing forward, is the question of habitability."
A Canadian-led team announced similar findings today. In a paper just submitted to the Astronomical Journal for publication, these scientists suggest it might even be raining there.
"This represents the biggest step yet taken toward our ultimate goal of finding life on other planets, of proving that we are not alone," the study's lead astronomer, Bjorn Benneke of the University of Montreal, said.
蒙特利尔大学的首席天文学家Bjorn Benneke说:“这是我们朝着在其他行星上发现生命的最终目标迈出的最大一步,也证明了我们并不孤单。”