On March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by the most powerful earthquake in the nation's history – a magnitude 9 temblor that triggered a tsunami with waves up to 133 feet (40 meters) high. The disaster set off three nuclear meltdowns and three hydrogen explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Eight years later, Fukushima holds more than 1 million tons of contaminated water.
The water comes from two main sources. First, the tsunami caused the reactor cores to overheat and melt, so cleanup workers injected water into the cores to cool them. In the wake of the accident, groundwater also seeped in beneath the reactors and mixed with radioactive material.
To store this contaminated water, the plant currently has 1,000 sealed tanks. But the water is still accumulating. There's enough room to keep the liquid contained through summer 2022, but after that, there will be no space left.
At a news briefing in Tokyo, Japan's environment minister, Yoshiaki Harada, said that come 2022, "the only option will be to drain it into the sea and dilute" the contaminated water.
在东京举行的新闻发布会上,日本环境大臣原田佳明(Yoshiaki Harada)表示,到2022年,“唯一的选择将是把污水排入大海,稀释”受污染的水。
The Japanese government, however, is waiting on a verdict from a panel of experts before making a final decision about what to do with the water.
Meanwhile, the environmental group Greenpeace said in a statement that the "only environmentally acceptable option" would be to continue to store the water and filter it for contaminants.
But that would require more tanks and an expensive filtration process.