As global temperatures continue to rise, Söderlund said in a talk at the Gastro Summit in Stockholm, the consequences for agriculture could cause food to become more scarce, which might force humans to consider alternative forms of nourishment.
Those sources might include insects like grasshoppers or worms, but they could also include corpses, Söderlund said. By gradually getting accustomed to the taste of our own flesh, he added, humans might come to view cannibalism as less taboo.
Söderlund, a behavioural scientist at the Stockholm School of Economics, doesn't research nutrition science or the economics of our global food supply. He studies psychological reactions, like the audible groan from attendeeswhen they were asked whether they'd consider eating a corpse.
斯德哥尔摩经济学院(stockholm school of economics)的行为科学家舍德伦德(sóderlund)不研究营养科学,也不研究我们全球粮食供应的经济学。他研究心理反应,比如当被问到是否考虑吃尸体时,与会者发出一片呻吟声。
The idea of using cannibalism to supplement our food supply isn't new. In 2018, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins wondered if it would be possible to grow meat from harvested human cells in a laboratory.
利用同类相食来补充食物供应的想法并不新鲜。2018年,进化生物学家理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)想知道是否有可能在实验室里用人类细胞培育肉。
For Dawkins and Söderlund, cannibalism could be a way to prepare for a future in which supplies of some major food staples are wiped out. As climate-related disasters like floods, droughts, and extreme heat continue to get more frequent and extreme, agricultural producers will find it more difficult to grow crops.
In less than a decade, the world could fall short of feeding every person on the planet by 214 trillion calories per year, or about 28,000 calories per person.
A recent report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that a quarter of all food worldwide is lost or wasted. By improving the way food is harvested, stored, packaged, and transported, the report said, producers could address food shortages.