Our solar system is getting another visitor from a faraway galaxy.
2I/Borisov was known as C/2019 Q4 before it became official. (Photo: Gemini Observatory/NSF/AURA)
An amateur astronomer from Crimea named Gennady Borisov first spotted the fast-moving fleck in the night sky last month. Since then, both Hawaii's Gemini Observatory and Spain's William Herschel Telescope have confirmed a trajectory that could take it within 190 million miles of our sun.
一位来自克里米亚的业余天文学家Gennady Borisov上个月首次在夜空中发现了这个快速移动的斑点。从那以后,夏威夷的双子座天文台和西班牙的威廉·赫歇尔望远镜都证实了这条轨道可以把它带到离太阳1.9亿英里以内的地方。
The Gemini Observatory even managed to snap a startling full-color picture of the celestial body as it streaked through the heavens.
And, judging by its woolly white halo and telltale tail, it looks like we're entertaining our first interstellar comet.
Publishing their findings this month in the journal ArXiv, the Polish researchers who analyzed the data have dubbed the visitor C/2019 Q4 (Borisov).
本月,波兰研究人员在《ArXiv》杂志上发表了他们的研究成果,他们分析了这些数据,并将其命名为游客C/2019 Q4 (Borisov)。
"Both orbital and morphological properties of this body show that this is the first certain case of an interstellar comet," the authors note in the study.
Scientists at the International Astronomers Union (IAU) concurred with their findings, designating it the second interstellar object — meaning Borisov has now been crowned 2I/Borisov to honor that status.
"The orbit is now sufficiently well known, and the object is unambiguously interstellar in origin," according to a release by the IAU.
From another world
It's only the second time we've detected an interstellar object. The comets that typically blaze through our neighborhood hail from within the solar system — either from that icy outermost region known as the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt, a veritable comet factory just beyond Neptune's orbit.
这是我们第二次探测到星际物体。通常在我们周围燃烧的彗星来自太阳系内部——要么来自被称为奥尔特云(Oort Cloud)的最外层结冰区域,要么来自柯伊伯带(Kuiper Belt),这是海王星轨道之外一个名副其实的彗星工厂。
And while some of these celestial objects don't come around here very often — Comet West, for example, has an orbital period of about 250,000 years — they all call our solar neighborhood home. In all, there are likely more than 6,000 comets sailing around our space, all eventually brought to heel by our sun's gravitational leash.
But 2I/Borisov has made the longest journey of all. Researchers say it won't loop around our sun, like its domestic counterparts. It's also traveling at a torrid 93,000 miles per hour — a speed that's far faster than any of the local spaceballs could muster. At that pace, not even the sun will be able to reel it in.
Artist's impression of the first known interstellar asteroid, 'Oumuamua. (Photo: M. Kornmesser/ESO)
Strangely enough, this is the second time we've had an interstellar visitor in as many years. In 2017, a very strange object known as 'Oumuamua graced our solar system. Its unwieldy, cigar-like dimensions, unknown origin point and blazing speed sparked a frenzy of scientific speculation. While some scientists suggested it's a hobbled, tail-less comet that has been wandering the galaxy for billions of years, others just came right out and said what many of us were thinking: alien spaceship.
2I/Borisov is a little less ambiguous. Even though it was born in an incomprehensibly foreign space, it bears all the telltale trappings of comethood — specifically a lustrous tail of glitter likely caused by outgassing from its ice-cold heart.
In any case, we'll get a chance to scrutinize 2I/Borisov a lot more closely as it brightens our doorstep over the coming weeks. While 'Oumuamua didn't stick around long enough for us to unfurl the "Welcome to Earth" banner, Borisov should make its nearest pass to Earth in December. It won't be quite as intimate as 'Oumuamua's visit, which scraped within 180 million miles of Earth. But it will light up the night sky a lot longer. The flyby will be closest to Earth on Dec. 8 — when the comet will be 190 million miles away — but will be present through April, when it finally bids our solar system a fond farewell.