Last July, an asteroid about the size of a football field careened closer to Earth than any celestial body has in the last century.
Just a hair closer — in the proportions of space, 40,400 miles is a pretty fine hair — and the space rock known as "2019 OK" would have delivered a devastating wake-up call.
再近一点——就太空的比例而言,40,400英里是一根相当细的头发——而被称为“2019 OK”的太空岩石将会敲响毁灭性的警钟。
NASA estimates asteroid Bennu has a 1‐in‐2,700 chance of hitting our planet during one of its close approaches in the late 22nd century. Bennu is about 1,650 feet wide. (Photo: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona/Lockheed Martin)
Okay, so maybe it wouldn't have been the end of the world. The impact of an asteroid the size of 2019 OK would, according to NASA, level a roughly 50-square-mile area. In other words, it was a potential city killer.
Which is why NASA is taking is stepping up its asteroid-hunting strategy. The space agency is funding a new space-based telescope called the NEO Surveillance Mission designed to sniff out errant celestial bodies.
这就是为什么美国宇航局正在加快其小行星搜索战略。美国宇航局正在资助一架新的天基望远镜,名为“近地天体监视任务”(NEO Surveillance Mission),旨在探测出偏离轨道的天体。
Currently, NASA relies on ground-based observatories such as Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey and the Pan-STARRS1 telescope in Maui. There's also the NEOWISE space mission, an orbiting telescope that began its survey back in 2010 -- although it was put into hibernation between 2010 and 2013.
Time to study up
Enter the NEO Surveillance Mission. The new eye in the sky aims to spot 90 percent of asteroids that are at least 140 meters in diameter — the size that could do real damage to the home world.
Yes, despite the occasional "sneaky" space rock, NASA already has a program in place to track asteroids and determine their threat level.
The thing is, we don't yet have the means to destroy a killer asteroid, and even NASA concedes "no known weapon system could stop the mass because of the velocity at which it travels, an average of 12 miles per second."
Deflection, on the other hand, may be possible, if a bit dicey.
That strategy would involve "rapid-response NEO reconnaissance missions." Essentially, a spacecraft would be launched toward the potential harbinger of doom in the hopes of persuading it to even slightly alter its course. We're not sure exactly how the craft would make an asteroid flinch, but even the slightest redirection could end up in wide berth for our planet.
Unfortunately, the Trump administration pulled the plug on NASA's plan to test its asteroid-shunting capabilities with the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) in 2021.
But when the NEO Surveillance Mission hits its stride, we will at least be able to plot the trajectory of far more unwelcome visitors. And maybe, if it comes down to it, brace for impact and still have time to cue up a classic Aerosmith song or two.