The oceans have helped buffer us against the worst effects of climate change, but they're really starting to suffer, a new report has found.
Scientists from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) on Thursday. It confirms that sea level rise is accelerating thanks to humanity's increasing greenhouse gas emissions, but that's not all.
"What this report tells us is the oceans are getting warmer, they're losing oxygen, they're getting more acidic," Greenpeace oceans campaigner Jessica Desmond told The AM Show.
"We're seeing sea level rise, and we're seeing coastal wetlands, reefs and natural protections from extreme weather events breaking down all around us."
According to scientists, as the ocean warms its layers of water don't mix - warm water rises - which reduces the flow of oxygen and nutrients for marine life.
The cryosphere encompasses parts of the world typically covered in ice.
"We can now say with some confidence that Arctic sea-ice decline is unprecedented in at least 1000 years, which is some of the clearest evidence yet that human impacts on climate already dominate over anything natural," said Prof Steven Sherwood of the University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre.
"Also, this report examines expected changes out to the year 2300, when sea level rise is projected to be three to four metres without mitigation efforts, but could be kept under one metre with strong mitigation efforts."
The ocean plays an important in protecting us against temperatures getting even higher than they already are.
"The IPCC SROCC report confirms that the oceans provide us with an amazing buffer against climate change," said University of Otago and NIWA expert Prof Cliff Law, who contributed to the report as a reviewer.
“IPCC SROCC报告证实,海洋为我们应对气候变化提供了一个惊人的缓冲,”奥塔哥大学(University of Otago)和NIWA专家克利夫•劳教授(Cliff Law)表示。
"By absorbing 20 to 30 percent of the [carbon dioxide] we've released and an incredible 90 percent-plus of the additional heat retained in the global climate system, it's prevented the planet overheating."
But warm water takes up more room than cold, so as the ocean warms it expands - add melting ice on top of this, and there are fears much of the damage has been done, regardless of what actions we take.
"The best available computer models suggest the threshold for large, irreversible change is nearby - somewhere between 1.5C and 2C global mean warming," said University of Otago's Prof Christina Hulbe.
"So while there is certainly change locked in, it may still be possible to avoid some of the largest consequences of global warming."