Chemicals called perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been used for decades to make products more stain-resistant, waterproof or nonstick. They're used in cookware to keep food from clinging to pots and pans. They're incorporated into clothing, like rain gear, to help repel stains and water, used in foams used to fight wildfires and used in furniture and carpeting to make them resistant to stains and liquids. PFASs are even used in fast food and other packaging to keep food from sticking. These "forever chemicals" — so called because they persist in our bodies and the environment for years — are everywhere.
There may be some unwelcome side effects to staying dry in the great outdoors, so check labels before you buy and ask questions. (Photo: Vitalii Matokha/Shutterstock)
Warnings about their use have been echoed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which confirmed in April that the chemicals have made their way into our food system. The warning was based on the initial findings of the agency's ongoing investigation of the chemicals and the U.S. food supply. The ongoing work will be presented in a updated website the agency plans to unveil this week, according to CNN.
'We are decades behind in the research' on PFASs
The wrappings on fast food often have PFASs in them because the chemicals stop food from sticking. (Photo: Xanya69/Shutterstock)
Because the chemicals have been used for decades in so many ways, they are engrained in the environment, Grandjean says. A study published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters found that PFAS levels exceed recommendations in the drinking water supplies for at least 6 million Americans.
格兰德吉恩说,由于这些化学物质几十年来以多种方式被使用,它们在环境中已经根深蒂固。发表在《环境科学与技术快报》(Environmental Science & Technology Letters)上的一项研究发现,至少有600万美国人的饮用水中PFAS的含量超过了建议水平。
The link between PFASs and obesity
What you eat, and where you eat it, matter when it comes to PFASs. (Photo: Lightspring/Shutterstock)
The February 2018 study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, found that higher levels of PFASs in the blood were associated with increased weight gain after dieting, particularly in women. The compounds are referred to as "obesogens" because they may upset normal metabolism and increase your risk for gaining weight the more you're exposed to them. The study found that people with higher concentrations of PFAS in their bodies also had a lower resting metabolic rate (RMR), meaning they burn fewer calories during normal daily activities.
2018年2月发表在《公共科学图书馆·医学》(PLOS Medicine)杂志上的一项研究发现,血液中PFASs含量较高与节食后体重增加有关,尤其是对女性而言。这些化合物被称为“致肥物质”,因为它们可能扰乱正常的新陈代谢,并增加你的体重增加的风险。研究发现,体内PFAS浓度较高的人,其静息代谢率(RMR)也较低,这意味着他们在日常活动中消耗的热量较少。
What you can do
It's not that difficult to find out what's in your tap water. (Photo: Latte Art/Shutterstock)
To reduce your exposure to PFASs, Grandjean suggests calling your municipal water plant to make sure your water doesn't contain unacceptable levels of these compounds. (Although Grandjean points out that he believes the EPA's "safe" limit of 70 parts per trillion is too high.) He suggests drinking and cooking with bottled water or installing an activated carbon filter.
In addition, when shopping for everything from rain gear and waterproof shoes to carpeting and cookware, be informed, Grandjean says. Do your research, look for labels and ask if the products have been treated with PFASs.