We all want to raise smart, successful kids, so it's tempting to play Mozart for our babies and run math drills for kindergartners. After all, we need to give them a head start while they're still little sponges, right?
"It doesn't quite work that way," says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple University and co-author of Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children with Roberta Golinkoff. She's been studying childhood development for almost 40 years.
NPR Education reporters and Life Kit hosts Anya Kamenetz and Cory Turner talk with Hirsh-Pasek about the "six C's" that kids need to succeed — collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation and confidence — and why raising brilliant kids starts with redefining brilliant.
This interview was edited for length and clarity.
Cory Turner: This is your golden opportunity to speak directly to all of these overzealous, anxious parents. And full disclosure, I have been one of them at times. Every parent is. So explain to us why we need to cool our jets.
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek: Cool your jets because it's healthier for your child. Let's look at what counts as success. Give me your take on these two definitions:
One is your child's success is to be a good reader, a good writer and really good at math. We'll call that the traditional view.
Two is what I call the 21st century view of success: a happy, healthy, caring, child who grows up to be a collaborative person, a creative innovator, a thinking person and a social person, while also being a good citizen.
Turner: Oh, I'll take door No. 2.
Hirsh-Pasek: OK, the question then becomes how do you get there?
赫什-帕塞克: 好的,那么问题就变成了你如何到达第二种成功?
Pushing down the kind of math, reading and writing skills to younger and younger ages ain't gonna give you No. 2 because you're not building a full, whole child human being.
The science says that the human brain was actually built to endure wonderful, long-term relationships. One of my friends says it's a "socially gated brain."
Anya Kamenetz: Socially gated, what does that mean?
Hirsh-Pasek: Everything goes through the social. Everything we learn starts with collaboration and relationships. When you think of it, we aren't born ready to hop out of the womb and into the world. We have a lot of learning to do, and the learning is social.
Raising Brilliant Kids — With Research To Back You Up
Turner: You talk a lot about your six C's. The fundamentals [of] what every kid needs to thrive. The first of the six, the most fundamental, is collaboration.
Hirsh-Pasek: It is indeed.
Turner: Why?
Hirsh-Pasek: Well, if it's really the case that we have this socially gated brain, and if we learn everything through relationships, or at least everything starts through relationships, I think collaboration is the most foundational piece of little humans trying to become bigger humans.