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    One of the great divides in male-female relationships is the “chick flick” — movies like “Terms of Endearment” and “The Notebook” that often leave women in tears and men bored. But now, a fascinating new study shows that sappy relationship movies made in Hollywood can actually help strengthen relationships in the real world.

    男女关系中一道泾渭分明的界限是所谓“女性电影”——比方说《母女情深》(Terms of Endearment)和《恋恋笔记本》(The Notebook)这样的电影往往会让女人热泪盈眶,让男人百无聊赖。不过现在,一个极为有趣的新研究表明,好莱坞制作的多愁善感的情感片,事实上真的可以在现实生活中帮助增进恋人间的关系。

    A University of Rochester study found that couples who watched and talked about issues raised in movies like “Steel Magnolias” and “Love Story” were less likely to divorce or separate than couples in a control group. Surprisingly, the “Love Story” intervention was as effective at keeping couples together as two intensive therapist-led methods.

    罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)的一项研究发现,伴侣们观看像《钢木兰花》(Steel Magnolias)或《爱情故事》(Love Story)这类电影,并讨论电影中提出的种种话题,相比对照组的伴侣,较少出现离婚或分居。尤其让人惊讶的是,看《爱情故事》对情感进行干预,与两次由治疗师主导的强化婚姻辅导同样有效。


    The findings, while preliminary, have important implications for marriage counseling efforts. The movie intervention could become a self-help option for couples who are reluctant to join formal therapy sessions or could be used by couples who live in areas with less access to therapists.


    “A movie is a nonthreatening way to get the conversation started,” said Ronald D. Rogge, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Rochester and the lead author of the study. “It’s really exciting because it makes it so much easier to reach out to couples and help them strengthen their relationships on a wide scale.”

    “看电影可以在不那么骇人的情况下,让大家展开对话,”罗切斯特大学心理学副教授、本研究的第一作者罗纳德·罗格(Ronald D. Rogge)说,“在电影的帮助下,夫妻双方可以十分轻松地敞开心扉,巩固关系,这个发现真是让人十分振奋。”

    The initial goal of the study was to evaluate two types of therapist-led interventions called CARE and PREP. The CARE method focuses on acceptance and empathy in couples counseling, while PREP is centered on a specific communication style that couples use to resolve issues. The researchers wanted a third option that allowed couples to interact but did not involve intensive counseling.


    They came up with the movie intervention, assigning couples to watch five movies and to take part in guided discussions afterward. A fourth group of couples received no counseling or self-help assignments and served as a control group.



    Going into the study, the researchers expected that the CARE and PREP methods would have a pronounced effect on relationships and that the movie intervention might result in some mild improvements to relationship quality. To their surprise, the movie intervention worked just as well as both of the established therapy methods in reducing divorce and separation.


    Among 174 couples studied, those who received marriage counseling or took part in the movie intervention were half as likely to divorce or separate after three years compared with couples in the control group who received no intervention. The divorce or separation rate was 11 percent in the intervention groups, compared with 24 percent in the control group.


    Dr. Rogge and senior author Thomas N. Bradbury, a director of the Relationship Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, published the findings in the December issue of The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

    这篇研究发现在去年12月的《咨询与临床心理学学刊》(The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycology)上,作者是罗格和加州大学洛杉矶分校的伴侣关系研究所主任托马斯·布拉德布里(Thomas N. Bradbury)。

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