That may sound like an abstract philosophical question, but it is also an urgent practical challenge, according to Stuart Russell, professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, and one of the world’s leading thinkers on artificial intelligence.
这听起来像是个抽象的哲学问题,但据加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)计算机科学教授、人工智能(AI)领域世界领先的思想家之一斯图尔特•罗素(Stuart Russell)表示,它也是一个紧迫的现实挑战。
It is all too easy to imagine scenarios in which increasingly powerful autonomous computer systems cause terrible real-world damage, either through thoughtless misuse or deliberate abuse, he says. Suppose, for example, in the not-too-distant future that a care robot is looking after your children. You are running late and ask the robot to prepare a meal. The robot opens the fridge, finds no food, calculates the nutritional value of your cat and serves up a feline fricassee.
Or take a more horrifying example of abuse that is technologically possible today. A terrorist group launches a swarm of bomb-carrying drones in a city and uses image recognition technology to kill everyone in a police uniform.
As Prof Russell argues in his latest book, Human Compatible, we need better ways of controlling what computers do to prevent them acting in anti-human ways, by default or by design. Although it may be many years, if not decades, away, we must also start thinking seriously about what happens if we ever achieve superhuman AI.
正如罗素教授在他的新书《人类兼容》(Human Compatible)中所写,我们需要用更好的方法控制电脑,防止它们做出无意或有意的反人类行为。虽然这可能需要数年时间,甚至数十年,但我们必须开始认真思考:如果我们制造出了超越人类的人工智能,会发生什么事情?
Getting that ultimate control problem right could usher in a golden age of abundance. Getting it wrong could result in humanity’s extinction. Prof Russell fears it may take a Chernobyl-scale tragedy in AI to alert us to the vital importance of ensuring control.
For the moment, the professor is something of an outlier in the AI community in sounding such alarms. Although he co-wrote a previous textbook on AI that is used by most universities around the world, Prof Russell is critical of what he calls the standard model of AI and the “denialism” of many in the industry.