Don’t drink the water in the mile-high club — or even wash your hands in it.
A shocking number of airlines don’t provide passengers with clean water, according to the 2019 Airline Water Study from the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center and DietDetective.com.
The study evaluated 23 airlines by the quality of water provided on board its flights — using 10 criteria, including levels of coliform bacteria and E. coli — and gave each one a “water health score” on a 0-to-5 scale (Zero is the worst and 5 the best).
JetBlue and Spirit Airlines performed the worst (each logging a score of 1), while Allegiant, Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines proved their agua is the best. In fact, the latter three were the only major carriers studied to nab scores above 3. Piedmont Airlines, which runs American Eagle flights, was the top regional carrier, with a score of 4.33.
捷蓝航空(JetBlue)和精灵航空(Spirit Airlines)表现最差(各得1分),而Allegiant、阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines)和夏威夷航空(Hawaiian Airlines)证明了他们的水是最好的。事实上,后三者是被研究的主要携带者中唯一超过3分的。经营美国鹰航(American Eagle flights)的皮埃蒙特航空公司(Piedmont Airlines)是亚洲地区排名第一的航空公司,得分为4.33分。
Err on the side of caution, the study authors said. To avoid possible illness, never drink any water on board that isn’t in a sealed bottle and avoid coffee or tea. Don’t wash your hands in the airplane bathroom either; instead, carry on a bottle of hand sanitizer.