There’s nothing quite like the sound of your partner’s deafening snores to put a strain on even the strongest of relationships.
And now scientists have revealed that the dreaded drone of your partner snoring can actually be damaging for both your physical and mental health.
It comes after the British Snoring & Sleep Apnea Association revealed an incredible 20 million Brits are sleep-deprived because their partner snores. Almost half of Americans report snoring, according to the American Sleep Association. And according to a Sleep Cycle study, 52 percent of American women report waking up from their partner’s snoring.
此前,英国打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停协会(British Snoring & Sleep Apnea Association)披露,有2000万英国人因为伴侣打鼾而睡眠不足。据美国睡眠协会(American Sleep Association)称,近一半的美国人报告自己打鼾。根据睡眠周期研究,52%的美国女性称她们从伴侣的鼾声中醒来。
In particular, having a disrupted sleep pattern increases the risk of depression and anxiety, as well as your chance of developing obesity or suffering a stroke.
And losing those vital zzzs can have a huge impact on your body’s ability to recover and fulfil important biological functions – such as regulating metabolism and memory consolidation.
On top of this, people who don’t get enough shut-eye are also prone to making more mistakes at work, thinking slowly and having a lower level of productivity.