Turns out it’s better to give than receive. Seventy-four percent of Americans have purchased a “wegift” for someone on their list, according to new research.
A poll of 2,000 Americans looked at the increasingly common trend of “wegifting” and found nearly three out of four have purchased a gift that not only benefited the recipient but themselves as well.
Turns out, 22 percent plan on reaping the benefits of at least one of the holiday gifts they plan on giving a loved one this year.
In fact, the average American surveyed plans on gifting four separate wegifts this holiday season to their family and friends.
The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Keurig, explored the gifting habits and thought patterns of 2,000 Americans and uncovered 55 percent have been the recipient of a wegift.
Thirty-five percent of those studied reveal they’ve been the recipients of a gift that the other person seemed to use and enjoy a lot more than themselves.
But who are the people most likely to be the recipients of a wegift?
Sixty-two percent plan on getting a wegift for their partner or spouse.
And it’s not just significant others who are recipients of wegifts during the holiday season.
Forty-six percent of those studied reveal they plan on getting a wegift for their children, while a further 35 percent plan on getting a wegift for mom.
It’s no wonder then that a third of those surveyed say the best gifts are inclusive — everyone can share them.
While gift cards are the top gift to get, runner ups included small kitchen appliances and entertainment tickets.
“At Keurig, we believe that any occasion can be the perfect coffee occasion — especially when shared with family and friends,” said Lindsay Fermano, Senior Director for the Keurig Brand.
“在Keurig,我们相信任何场合都可以是完美的咖啡场合——尤其是与家人和朋友共享的时候,”Keurig品牌的高级总监林赛·费尔马诺(Lindsay Fermano)说。
“It’s truly a gift that can be enjoyed by all!”
While finding the perfect gift can be quite the task, 75 percent of those studied admit that they love giving gifts to others.
While one out of five find the moment they discover the perfect gift for someone to be rewarding, 34 percent think the most rewarding part about gift-giving is the moment when someone opens the gift you gave them.
Gift-gifting can require some tact, but results revealed Americans are proud of their abilities.
In fact, 62 percent consider themselves to be great gift-givers.
Fifty-nine percent tend to give gifts for people that they also would want while a further 36 percent feel like they have to out-do themselves every year when giving someone a gift.