The vast majority of humans are right-handed, something that's hard-wired into the architecture of our brain. When it comes to animals, their 'sidedness' tends to vary a bit more - now, we have evidence that in dolphins, lefties are a minority, too.
Researchers working with the Dolphin Communication Project in the US spent six years watching a population of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) forage from the ocean floor, taking note of which way they tended to turn, and found the animals like to keep their right eye on the food.
美国海豚交流项目的研究人员花了6年时间观察一群普通的宽吻海豚(Tursiops truncatus)在海底觅食,记录它们的转向,发现这些动物喜欢用右眼盯着食物。
Having a preference for one side of the body or the other is now understood to be common throughout the animal kingdom. Gorillas and chimpanzees favour their right hands, like us. But in most orangutans, as well as animals such as kangaroos and cockatoos, the paw or claw on the left is usually the dominant.
Giraffes usually put out their left leg before their right when sinking down for a drink, and reindeer herds tend to move in a counter-clockwise direction. In fact, from lions to bats to chickens or even bees, it's looking like a lot of different animals have some sort of lateral bias.
Such a bias makes sense when we consider that nervous systems usually consist of a left and right hemisphere. Not only does each half of the brain hold jurisdiction over the opposite half of the body, the left and right hemispheres also dominate in respective tasks in what is referred to as lateralisation.
To work out which way the dolphins of the common bottlenose variety lean while finding food, the researchers recorded the sounds and movements of just under 30 individuals off Bimini in The Bahamas.
Specifically, they noted which way the animals turned while practising what's known as crater feeding – a nose-down method of foraging that involves scanning the sand for prey and buzzing the floor with their echolocation.
In a tally of 709 pinwheel spins performed by several dozen dolphins, 705 steered left, using their right eye to look for a meal.
This suggests to the researchers that the left hemisphere of their brains does most of the processing prey-related sensory information, either of a visual nature or also involving echolocation.
Interestingly, the four 'left eyed' manoeuvres were all carried out by just one individual. While the statistics aren't exactly overwhelming, it could point to an atypical 'south paw' dolphin whose brain is lateralised differently to the others.
This research was published in Royal Society Open Science.