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    Astronomers Have Detected a Familiar Feature in a Far-Away Solar System


    How typical is our Solar System? The question bedevils planetary scientists, but making detections of analogous features in other planetary systems is pretty hard. Yet astronomers have just made one - of a Kuiper belt-like feature around a star 320 light-years away.


    It is, they say, the first polarimetric detection of the inner ring circling the star we call HD 141569A. And it's revealing new details about a crucial period of planetary development.

    他们说,这是第一次对环绕恒星的内环进行偏振探测,我们称之为HD 141569A,它揭示了行星发展关键时期的新细节。

    HD 141569A is actually a pretty interesting and well-studied object. It has two companions in a trinary system, both red dwarfs. But HD 141569A is just 5 million years old, around three times the mass of the Sun, of a blue spectral type burning hot and bright.

    HD 141569A实际上是一个非常有趣的研究对象。它有两个同伴,都是红矮星。但HD 141569A只有500万年的历史,大约是太阳质量的三倍,是一种炽热明亮的蓝色光谱类型。


    In 1999, a disc was discovered around the young star, with two rings peaking at 220 and 360 astronomical units, respectively. These are the remnants of material that swirled around and accreted into the star as it was forming; over time, bits of material start sticking to each other, accreting into planets.


    In HD 141569A's disc, a gap between the two rings suggested that a planet was forming, gravitationally hoovering up all the material in its orbit.

    在HD 141569A的圆盘中,两个环之间的间隙表明一颗行星正在形成,在引力作用下吸走了其轨道上的所有物质。

    Here in the Solar System, we also have remnants of the Sun's accretion disc from its formation 4.6 billion years ago. We call it the Kuiper belt, and it's a puffy disc of icy debris out beyond the orbit of Neptune. Pluto, at an average distance of 39.5 astronomical units, is in the Kuiper belt.


    Towards the end of this planetary accretion process, what is left is known as a debris disc, and it can extend hundreds of astronomical units across. The disc around HD 141569A is a hybrid - it's in transition between a protoplanetary disc and a debris disc.


    Hybrid discs are fascinating to planetary scientists, since they can tell us about how gas giants form, and how growing planetesimals interact with the gas and dust in the disc.


    Now, by studying scattered and twisted electromagnetic radiation from the region around the star, astronomers led by Juan Sebastian Bruzzone of The University of Western Ontario in Canada have imaged a similar ring around HD 141569A, peaking at a distance of 44 astronomical units from the star.

    现在,加拿大安大略大学的胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·布鲁佐内(Juan Sebastian Bruzzone)领导的天文学家通过研究恒星周围区域散射和扭曲的电磁辐射,在HD 141569A附近成像出一个类似的环,在距恒星44个天文单位的距离处达到峰值。

    And they have found not just evidence of planetary formation, but hints that there's another ring structure in the disc closer to the star.


    Specifically, they found a spiral arm - a feature found in a few other protoplanetary discs, including the two outer rings of HD 141569A, and taken to be the evidence of a forming planet. Based on the features of the spiral arm, the researchers inferred the planet would be around Jupiter's mass or slightly smaller.

    具体地说,他们发现了一个螺旋臂,这是在其他一些原行星盘中发现的特征,包括HD 141569A的两个外环,被认为是行星形成的证据。根据旋臂的特征,研究人员推断这颗行星可能在木星的质量附近或稍小一些。


    They also compared their observed emission to models to find the best fit for the type of dust that could have produced it. But, even with the best-fit models, there was emission that couldn't be accounted for.


    However, when another ring located closer to the star was added to the calculations, this solved the problem. A belt between 5 and 15 astronomical units reproduced the emission beautifully.


    Aside from the fact that it's pretty danged amazing that astronomers can even achieve such a detection, this is the sort of finely detailed study that can tell us how planets are born.


    In turn, that can tell us more about our own Solar System - and knowing how normal or unusual it is can help us figure out how the heck we got here at all.


    "Considering resolved imaging data from other high-contrast facilities, the HD 1415169A debris disc shapes up to be made of at least three, and potentially four nested rings, with spiral structures on the three spatially resolved rings," the researchers wrote in their paper.

    研究人员在论文中写道:“考虑到来自其他高对比度设施的分辨率成像数据,HD 1415169A碎片盘的形状至少由三个环组成,可能有四个嵌套环,三个空间分辨率环上有螺旋结构。”。

    "As such, it is an excellent laboratory for studying dynamically perturbed discs."


    The research has been accepted into The Astronomical Journal, and is available on arXiv.


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