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    Why We Text and Walk


    People are, by nature, information-seeking creatures. When we regularly check our phones, we are snacking on information from devices that offer an all-you-can-eat buffet of information.


    Our information-foraging tendencies evolved from the behavior of animals foraging for food for survival, said Dr. Adam Gazzaley, a neuroscientist and co-author of the book “The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World.” Studies have shown that our brains feel rewarded when we receive information, which drives us to seek more. That’s similar to how our appetites feel sated after we eat.

    神经学家、《分心的大脑:高科技世界里的古代大脑》(The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World)的合著者亚当·加扎利(Adam Gazzaley)博士说,人类搜集信息的倾向是从动物为了生存而觅食的行为演变而来。研究发现,当我们接受到信息的时候,大脑会感到获得了回报,这会驱使我们去寻找更多信息。这类似我们吃饱后的满足感。

    In some ways, smartphones were designed to be irresistible to information-seeking creatures. Dr. Gazzaley drew this analogy: An animal will probably stay in a tree to gather all of its nuts before moving on to the next one. That’s because the animal is weighing the cost of getting to the next tree against the diminishing benefit of staying. With humans and smartphones, there is no cost to switching between email, text messages and apps like Facebook.



    “The next tree is right there: It’s a link to the next webpage, a shift to the next tab,” he said. “We transfer so easily that we don’t have to use up the nuts to move on to the next one.”


    So we get stuck in cycles. At what point is this considered addiction?


    Not all constant phone use was considered addictive, said Steven Sussman, a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California. External pressures, like a demanding job, could force people to frequently check their phones. But when people check their devices just to enhance their mood, this could be a sign of a developing problem.

    南加州大学(University of Southern California)预防医学教授史蒂文·萨斯曼(Steven Sussman)说,并不是所有持续使用手机的人都是上瘾。外部压力,比如要求繁多的工作,可能会迫使人们经常查看手机。但当人们只是为了改善情绪而查看电子设备,这可能就是要出状况的迹象。

    Another signal of addictive behavior is becoming preoccupied with smartphone use when you should be doing something else. An even clearer indicator is what happens when the phone is taken away.


    “Let’s say you go out to the mountains and you don’t get reception, so you can’t use a smartphone,” Dr. Sussman said. “Do you feel a sense of relief? Or do you feel, wow, I want to get out of these mountains — I want to use the smartphone. If you feel the latter, that’s toward the addictive direction.”


    Jim Steyer, the chief executive of Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that evaluates tech products and media for families, said there needed to be a broad public awareness campaign over the dangers of walking and texting in parallel with distracted driving.

    为家庭评估科技产品和媒体的非营利组织常理媒体(Common Sense Media)首席执行官吉姆·斯泰尔(Jim Steyer)表示,需要开展一场广泛的公众意识宣传活动,让人们意识到边走路边发短信和分心驾驶的危险。

    “You have distracted pedestrians and distracted drivers, so it’s the double whammy,” he said. “Tech addiction hits in both ways.”


    How to Take Control


    Obviously, the answer to not getting into dangerous situations by walking and texting is not to walk and text at the same time.



    But that’s easier said than done, since people have trouble reining in their tech use. So several experts recommended exercises in self-control.


    Melanie Greenberg, a clinical psychologist and the author of “The Stress-Proof Brain,” said people could practice being more mindful by asking themselves any of these questions:

    临床心理学家、《抗压大脑》(The Stress-Proof Brain)一书作者梅拉妮·格林伯格(Melanie Greenberg)说,人们可以通过问自己这些问题练习变得更专注:

    Reducing access to the device can also be helpful, Dr. Gazzaley said. You could carry your phone in your bag instead of your pocket, making it more troublesome to pull out, for example.


    The National Safety Council said that when pedestrians have to check their phones, they should stop walking and stand in a safe place. It also advised people wearing earphones to listen at a low volume.


    Chris Marcellino, a former Apple engineer who led the development of the original iPhone’s notifications, recommended going into the phone’s settings and switching off notifications for all apps except those that are most important to you, like work-related apps.

    前苹果公司工程师克里斯·马塞利诺(Chris Marcellino)领导了最初的iPhone通知的开发,他建议进入手机的设置,关掉所有应用程序的通知,除了对你来说最重要的那些,比如与工作相关的应用程序。

      上一篇:科学家们训练这块塑料“行走” 下一篇:吃陨石的微生物可能会暗示我们外星人的起源


