We are so entrenched in the bubbles of our social lives that sometimes we forget how insignificant some of the things are when put against the whole image. And while for some people this realization might be comforting, that a spilled coffee, a lost job or a loss of a relationship is just such a small fraction of things happening in the universe, for others the thought can be absolutely terrifying.
Why not take a closer look at what’s out there and compare how vast the surrounding universe is compared to our little green planet? See for yourself just how big Jupiter is compared to North America? Or how big our sun is compared to the largest observed star? Maybe you’ll have to stop for a second and re-evaluate how you perceive everything around you!
This is the Earth, a planet that we all currently live on
Image credits: NASA
And this is the solar system where our planet shares space with the other 7
Image credits: NASA
The solar system is fascinating, with a history of not much, not little, just 4.568 billion years! It consists of a single star (Sun, duh!), 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and 3 universally accepted dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, Eris). Oh, and everything in between, such as moons and asteroids and such. The system mass of the solar system is 1.0014 solar masses (one solar mass is equal to approximately 2×1030 kg, do the calculations) and the majority of the system’s mass is in the Sun (99,86 %) with the remaining majority contained in Jupiter.
Jupiter is our giant of the solar system. It is so big that the entire continent of North America looks like a green speck on it
Image credits: John Brady/Astronomy Central
Another big body is Saturn. Here you can see how big it is compared to Earth (or 6 of them)
Image credits: John Brady/Astronomy Central
Here’s how an artist imagined Rosetta’s Comet (67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko) would look when compared to the size of downtown Los Angeles. Makes you think about those end-of-the-world movies, no?
这是一位艺术家设想的罗塞塔彗星(67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko)与洛杉矶市中心的大小相比会是什么样子。让你想起那些世界末日的电影,不是吗?
Image credits: anosmicovni
Although none of the previous objects have substance compared to our sun, a yellow dwarf star
Image credits: ajamesmccarthy
This is how Earth looks from the surface of the Moon, not too bad?
Image credits: NASA/Bill Anders
And then there’s the view from behind Saturn’s rings, we seem like a planet for ants
Image credits: NASA
So if that doesn’t put things into perspective, then let’s go big. This is how Earth looks when compared to the Sun
Image credits: John Brady/Astronomy Central
Though the Sun doesn’t look as bad when looking from the surface of Mars, right?
Image credits: NASA
There are so many stars in the universe that their number outweighs how many grains of sand there are on Earth’s beaches
Image credits: Sean O’Flaherty
Almost all individual stars we see at night scattered all across the sky are just a fraction of what lies out there
Image credits: ScienceDump