In the last year, an estimated one-in-five adults living in the US will experience a form of anxiety, the effects of which can be debilitating for those who experience an anxiety attack characterized by sweaty palms, rapid breathing, trembling, and shaking that's then topped off by a surge of overwhelming panic.
For the half of anxiety sufferers who do not find relief in traditional treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants, scientists have revealed a possible way to slow down an anxiety attack: safety signals. When life events trigger the crushing fear associated with an anxiety attack, turning to a symbol or sound not associated with adverse effects can relieve anxiety by activating a different brain network in both mice and human subjects.
“A safety signal could be a musical piece, a person, or even an item like a stuffed animal that represents the absence of threat,” said Paola Odriozola, a PhD candidate in psychology at Yale and co-first author, in a statement.
“安全信号可以是一件音乐作品,一个人,甚至是一个像填充玩具动物一样的物品,代表没有威胁,”耶鲁大学(Yale)心理学博士候选人、第一作者之一保拉·奥德里奥佐拉(Paola Odriozola)在一份声明中说。
Study participants were shown a shape associated with a threatening outcome, followed by both the threatening shape and a secondary non-threatening shape (For mice, researchers used different tones). Brain imaging revealed that a different neural network was activated than in exposure therapy, a treatment that gradually exposes a patient to a perceived threat in order to lessen the level of associated anxiety. The second shape, or “safety signal”, suppressed the subject’s fear compared to the threatening shape. In particular, the Yale University researchers found that the ventral hippocampus, a part of the brain that responds to perceived threats, was activated and may be key to inhibiting fear response in animals.
Behavioral therapy gradually exposes patients to the source of their fear over time, eventually reteaching the brain to respond differently to once-perceived threats. For those who don’t respond to CBT, safety signals may be an effective method to reduce the threat response and prevent anxiety attacks in the future.
“Exposure-based therapy relies on fear extinction, and although a safety memory is formed during therapy, it is always competing with the previous threat memory,” explained Dylan Gee, assistant professor of psychology at Yale and co-senior author. “This competition makes current therapies subject to the relapse of fear – but there is never a threat memory associated with safety signals.”
耶鲁大学心理学助理教授迪伦·吉(Dylan Gee)解释说:“暴露疗法依赖于恐惧消退,尽管在治疗过程中形成了一种安全记忆,但它总是在与之前的威胁记忆竞争。”“这种竞争使得目前的治疗方法容易使恐惧复发——但从来没有与安全信号相关的威胁记忆。”
Importantly, the study was conducted with individuals who do not have anxiety disorders, leaving much to be studied in terms of how safety signals function in adults and children diagnosed with anxiety disorders, added Gee. Furthermore, safety signals in daily life may be more complex than during an experiment and may interfere at times with treatment or serve as a “crutch”.
There is much more research needed to understand how, when, and for whom safety signals might be helpful, but we think that judiciously incorporating safety signals into treatment could be helpful for individuals who have not benefited sufficiently from existing interventions or at particular developmental stages, said Gee.
Regardless, the researchers write in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that their work presents a potential solution to enhance current treatments for anxiety disorders by targeting neural circuits through safety signaling.
无论如何,研究人员在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)杂志上撰文称,他们的工作提出了一种潜在的解决方案,可以通过安全信号传导瞄准神经回路,加强目前对焦虑症的治疗。