Toyota Motor Corp said on Monday it planned to build a prototype “city of the future” at the base of Japan’s Mt. Fuji, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and functioning as a laboratory for autonomous cars, “smart homes,” artificial intelligence and other technologies.
Toyota unveiled the audacious plan for what it will call “Woven City,” in a reference to its origins as a loom manufacturer, at the big annual technology industry show, CES.
在一年一度的大型科技产业展(CES)上,丰田(Toyota)公布了这一大胆的计划,称其为“编织城市”(weave City)。
“It’s hard to learn something about a smart city if you are only building a smart block,” James Kuffner, chief executive officer for the Toyota Research Institute-Advanced Development, told Reuters.
丰田高级发展研究院(Toyota Research Institute-Advanced Development)首席执行官詹姆斯?库夫纳(James Kuffner)对路透社(Reuters)表示:“如果你只是建造一个智能街区,那么你很难了解一个智慧城市。”
The “Woven City” idea, under discussion for a year, is aimed at creating safer, cleaner, more fun cities and learning lessons that could be applied around the world, he added.
It will have police, fire and ambulance services, schools and could be home to a mix of Toyota employees, retirees and others, Kuffner said.
The development, to be built on the site of a car factory that is planned to be closed by the end of 2020, will begin with 2,000 residents in coming years and also serve as a home to researchers.