Signs added to Montana’s Glacier National Park over a decade ago forecasting that the park’s signature dense ice formations would be gone by 2020 have been removed.
Park officials have known that the glaciers would still be intact come 2020 since 2017, when they learned that the US Geological Survey forecast model had changed, spokeswoman Gina Kurzmen tells CNN.
该公园的女发言人Gina Kurzmen告诉CNN,自从2017年他们得知美国地质调查局的预测模型已经改变后,他们就知道2020年的冰川仍然是完整的。
However, strict maintenance budgets belated the park’s ability to begin changing the signs until recently. Placards at the park’s St. Mary Visitor Center have been updated, Kurzmen says, and signs at two other park locations are awaiting budget authorization to be replaced in the future.
然而,严格的维护预算直到最近才使公园有能力开始改变这些标志。库兹曼说,公园的圣玛丽游客中心(St. Mary Visitor Center)的招牌已经更新,另外两个公园的招牌也在等待未来的预算授权。
While the projected melting date has been pushed forward, the glaciers are far from being out of harm’s way, park reps say. The new signs reflect as much, reading: “When they will completely disappear depends on how and when we act. One thing is consistent: The glaciers in the park are shrinking.”
Annual average temperatures in the park have been rising close to 3-degrees Fahrenheit since 1950, impacting not only the park’s glaciers but also its foliage. Species like the whitebark pine are now more vulnerable to an increase in blister rust infections, beetle infestations and wildfire.
In 2018, a wildfire in the park destroyed structures and forced evacuations.